Money From Mailshots - Power In The Post

Most entrepreneurs have at some point considered mail order. 
And indeed, it can be very lucrative.  But - there is a way
of making it even more lucrative, by restricting your
operations to one of the most lucrative parts ever!

Mailing out mailshots can be big business.  A big business
that can be yours if you decide to sell through the post in
this fascinating way!

A mailing business couldn't be simpler.  All you do is select
a suitable product - you can start with just one.  Then,
produce an effective, high impact mailing to sell it.  Post
off the mailings and just wait for the orders to flood in!
All the best of mail order, without the frustration and
difficulty of preparing press ads, that general mail order
dealers have.

The sheer success of mailing is based on a simple unwritten
law.  Basically, you can find a minimum response rate for
your product.  In other words, a guarantee that so many
mailings will produce so many orders.  This way you can be
virtually sure that if you mail so many circulars you will
make a set and firm amount of sheer profit! Mail order at its


The attraction of this branch of mail order is that you can
often set your income.  Make so many mailings - get so much
money back!

Mail order traders usually rate their response on a per
thousand basis for comparison.  Some good products sold by
mailing have been known to sell 200 out of 1,000 i.e. out of
1,000 circulars sent out 200 orders resulted.  A huge profit!
By comparison a poor mailing might only make 10 sales per
1,000 - probably a loss.  So, you are probably safe to bet on
50 orders per 1,000 mailings.  It may well be higher, but
work on a mere 5% return, and you're sure to profit.

Knowing what sort of response to expect can enable you to
plan for profit.  The amount you must sell must cover all
your costs - and profit.  So set price levels accordingly. 
Usually higher priced products are best.

Just imagine you prepared a 1,000 mailings at an inclusive
cost of about $200.  From that you obtained 50 orders for a
product at $30.  That's a 'take' of $1,500 - ample to cover
your costs and with plenty of profit left over!

Next, assume you could repeat your example over hundreds of
thousands of mailings.  The sheer profit potential, almost
guaranteed, is easy to access.


For success with mailings it is vital to choose the right
product.  It is usual in the trade to 'test' several before
homing in on the most successful.

Products should be those that are frequently sold by mail
order.  Don't try to be too different.  They should be
attractive and exciting and just 'beg' to be bought.  You
should also be able to obtain stocks, handle them - and pack
and post easily.

The most important criteria in product selection is the
eventual selling price.  This should be high, though this
does not mean sales will be low.  If you are only making 3,
4, 5% sales, it should probably sell at no less than $20 per
item.  Larger amounts, perhaps up to $100 would be ideal. 
Also make sure your product offers a good profit margin. 
Anything less than 60% would be unsuitable, up to 99% is not
unknown!  If you can't meet these standards with a single
item, try 'lumping' several together in one mailing.

Do remember there are no right or wrong things to sell. 
There are thousands of possibles - and people do buy by mail
order, running into hundreds of pounds.  Just do be sure to
inexpensively test products until you find one that really


Your mailshot is of course vital.  And, you may want to
experiment with different approaches.  A mailing expert or
writer could be used for this, but you can prepare it

All the best mailshots centre round a brochure.  This should
be on coloured paper and ideally illustrated and worded
attractively.  Support this with a sales letter (always white
paper).  This should introduce and explain your product as
well as convincing the reader to buy it.  Use high impact
wording to make them want - and make them order -

Each mailing should include a return order form to make
buying really easy.  And, a return envelope which is prepaid
through the Post Office Business Reply Service.  The cost is
usually repaid many times over.

It is best to put the printing of your mailing in the hands
of a high quality printer.  Obtain several quotes first. 
Poor quality literature is definitely a false economy.  Some
printers will print all your requirements and also pack and
seal it into envelopes to save you a lot of time.

For best results use good envelopes.  These should be printed
with an eye catching slogan to really grab attention.

Your next job is to post your mailshots - and this can be
quite a technical operation.  For a start you can't just mail
anywhere.  You must mail to recognised mail order buyers. 
The names and addresses of such people can be bought from
list brokers.  There are many firms, but try several to find
those with the best lists.

Purchase buyer names can usually only be used once for one
payment.  But, most brokers will supply their names printed
onto address labels.  This makes your job really easy!

Before mailing circulars, contact your local head post
office.  From time to time, there are special introductory
postage discounts.  And, bulk mailings of several thousand
qualify for quantities of free postage.

It's probably best to release your mailings in batches to
produce a steady flow of orders.  Experiment with the actual
day of posting which hence affects the day of receipt. 
Mailings received on Monday are often less successful - but
those received on other days can do either well or extremely
well.  Test and see!


People who do best in mailing give little regard to order
handling.  Yes - it should be prompt and careful, but you
should give most time to preparing and mailing circulars.

If you can, take payments on trust and post orders by return
- within 7/14 days at least.  Always enclose details of
additional products when fulfilling orders.  Past customers
are highly likely to buy again.  Also keep addresses of past
customers - mail new offers to them as they are launched. 
Again, they are likely buyers.
Nothing is better for business than a delighted customer. 
But, if you do receive complaints, it's best to make a full
refund.  That customer may well remain loyal!

The whole future success of circular mailing sits behind
giving good service and getting repeat orders.  If you can
attain this, you won't need to spend much money on
advertising in future.


Studying your market and results obtained is crucial to the
success of mailing.  Basically, the idea is to minimise
failures and maximise successes for a huge overall gain.  If
you send enough mailings you are sure to be able to tell
which are most successful.

The business is really a continual testing process.  Try with
different approaches and different methods.  Try different
products - different prices - different wordings.  All these
things can combine to make either a disappointing result - or
an outstanding success.  This is just the same procedure used
by the 'millionaire' type mail order venture.

Some mailings you make are bound to be less than
satisfactory.  But, the trick is to monitor and record
results carefully so you can spot such mailings.  Then - cut
your losses.  On the other hand you will be able to quickly
spot your successes - and cash in on them.

For example, you might find that a particular product priced
at $25.50 is selling poorly, despite what appears to be good
advertising.  So, why not experiment with a cut in price to
$24.99?  This is just the sort of thing that can boost
response by hundreds of orders - it has happened!

A sensible approach is to prepare mailings for the same
product, but in different ways.  Record what you send out -
and record the orders that come in.  You can then spot which
works best and concentrate on that.  Try enough variations
and you're bound to find a highly efficient approach that
will make you a lot of money.

Success in mailings is very much a matter of 'trying
anything', keeping your eyes and ears open - and then jumping
on the bandwagon when you find a success.  A good success can
be very good indeed.


Mail order has always been known to be a powerful business. 
But, many successful mailers are not full mail order dealers. 
They know how powerful circulars can be and just concentrate
on that part of the market.  You are best to start that way

Circular mailing is so potentially profitable because it is a
very exact science.  Something you can succeed in with
minimal effort now you know the success secret.

Never vary from the proven principle of trying, testing and
aiming for what works best.  Quite simply, success breeds
success and a mailing that pulls 50 orders out of 1,000 could
just as well pull 5,000 out of 10,000.  At perhaps $50 per
sale that's no small sum - and it can all start from a
handful of mailings sent out to locate just one that really
works.  A powerful medium indeed!

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