The $500 A Month Plan

One way to make extra money or start a business
of your own is by placing advertising which will
pay a good profit. Selling printed information by
mail can be financially rewarding. Classified
advertising is the cheapest way to get into mail
order and it is often possible to raise a fortune
from these small ads. Just check any large
publication, such as Exchange and Mart, for their
classified advertising section and you can see
for yourself the many ads.

These small ads, running month after month, would
not be there if they were not profitable and
making money. According to some of the
promotional materials being sent around the
country you could make up to $500 or possibly
more by running the following classified ads over
your name and address. They ask you to pick up a
top national publication and test either one or
both under 'Money Making Opportunities' heading
and watch the pounds come in. I doubt if you can
make this kind of money from such a project but
for your information here are the programs and
the advertisements they are talking about:

How would you like to receive $25 daily and keep
all the money? For complete set-up rush $1
to...(your name and address).


$500 monthly, work at home, receive money daily.
For complete set-up send $1 to.....(your name and

You are supposed to fill the orders you receive
with a copy of this guide you are now reading,
perhaps changed somewhat to delete the negative
tone I have injected. You would make photocopies
or get a supply printed to send out as needed.
There are other variations of this plan, but all
serve the same purpose: to sell printed
information to people who are interested in
making some extra money.

If you study the many classified ads in the big
national publications, you may get a better idea
of what the leading companies in mail order are
doing. You will get a better idea of how
classified advertising works. If you have limited
capital, it would be wise to run your ads in
smaller publications such as small newspapers,
small mail order publications and adsheets.

If you have sufficient capital, some good pulling
national magazines or tabloids are:
The Dealer
Exchange and Mart
The New Entrepreneur
The Trader
and many others to numerous to mention here.

Many such magazines, tabloids and other good
publications are available at your local news
stand, library or through mail order. Many of
them require a copy of the material you are
selling with your ad and reserve the right not to
print certain ads they feel may be injurious to
the public or to the image of their publication.

YES, you can start your own advertising and
mailing business sat at home and keep your
finances ahead of inflation but be sure you are
involved in the kind of program that gives you a
reasonable chance to be a winner.

All you need to know about PROSPERITY PLANS

We are including these plans as general
information only. There are many different ones
going around the country but the basic method is
about the same in all of them. There are
thousands of mail-order enthusiasts taking up
their time with such plans. Apparently most are
legal and they may be educational, or they may be
used to gather name lists etc. but you can spend
a great deal od time and effort for very little

At any rate, they go something like the

1. Make extra money by running the following ad
over your name:

Amazing prosperity plan, pays eight ways. Up to
$6 all profit. Rush $1 for your copy today (your
name and address).

Fill your orders with a copy of this guide.
That's all there is to it.

OR advertise as follows:

Receive $250 from $10 investment. Method and
sample $1 (your name and address).

Or advertise as follows:

Receive $1,000 from $25 investment. Method and
sample $1 (your name and address).

Fill orders with the following information: 250
copies of this prosperity sheet can be bought for
$10 and sold for $1 each ($250). Or 1,000 copies
can be bought for $25 and sold for $1 each
(that's $1,000). Order from........ (The
promoter, dealer or printer initiating this
program would have his name and address here).

2. Here's a $2 to $10 All-Profit Deal: Run the
following 21 word ad over your name and address:

Choice Mailing List; 1,000 prospects wanting
money making offers, 1p each. Minimum order 250
($2.50). All 1,000 for $8. (your name and

Continuing with example 2: (Your name and
address) fills orders FREE for a first class
stamp plus first class stamped envelope addressed
to your customer for each 250 names. Be sure to
state how many names were ordered and to be sent
to your customer.

3. More All Profit Ads and the information they
sell: Run the following ad over your name and
address in whatever publication you choose. When
you receive orders, send your customers this
prosperity guide with the answer:

AD: Name of company that will put you in business
for only $5. Dignified work, no ringing
doorbells. Full information $1. (your name and

ANSWER: Send $4 to..... (Again as above, the name
of the dealer or printer promoting this program,
who has such an offer available, would be placed
here), and ask for complete Mail Order Business.
They will send you the program and full
instructions. It's 100% guaranteed and if you wish
to return the same in good condition, your full
$5 will be refunded immediately with no questions
asked. For 50 of these prosperity plan sheets
send $5 to....... (Again, the name and address of
the promoter who will fill the order for you).

As you can readily recognise, this could be a
good deal for the dealer, printer (promoter)
having others drum up business for them without
any expense involved themselves.

The $100 A Day Plan Plus 6 Formulas

Insert the following advert in the classified
sections of local papers, in mail order magazines
etc. It is represented by many of those in the
mail order business as a quick pound-pulling
advert, but you be the judge.

FOR ONLY $1....(your name and address)

When you receive an order from this pound-puller,
fill it yourself by mailing the customer a copy
of this information sheet. (you can get 100
copies printed from as little as $5). This is an
old time mail order advert and is represented as
one of the better pullers.

The Six Formulas: make them yourself and sell
them for big profits.

1. Eye glass cleaner: mix together 8 ounces of
ammonia and 32 ounces of denatured alcohol. Put
up in 2 ounce bottles to sell for somewhat less
than eye glass cleaner in your local drug store
or department store. Or if you have the
opportunity, sell the cleaner with your own label
on it, in volume, at less the wholesale price to
various retailers for resale to their customers.

2. Mosquito Remedy: mis oil of citronella with
common Vaseline. Apply to hands and put on shirt
collar, or on a cloth handkerchief which may be
tied around the neck.

3. Liquid Hand Soap: dissolve any good powdered
soap in boiling water. Add one part alcohol to
each 30 parts of soap solution. A perfume spence
may be added when the mixture cools.

4. Powdered Hand Soap: put ordinary tri-sodium
phosphate in sifter can, or mix seven ounces of
the same with three ounces of fine powdered
pumice. Retail 4 oz. bottles, or boxes for $1 or

5.  Insect and Roach Exterminator: mix the
following: 1 pound Borax and 6 ounces powdered
sugar. Add 1 oz. cocoa powder and 2 oz. sodium
fluoride. Mix well. Sprinkle around places pests
are known to frequent. Keep away from children.

6.  Athlete's Foot Remedy: mix 4 ounces of Borax
with a gallon of water. Put up in 8 ounce bottles
and sell for $1 to $3. Helps to get rid of sores
on feet as well. For use on feet only.

Any or all of these formulas may be used to build
an excellent home business. They are all good
sellers. By mixing and packaging them yourself
you can sell them to wholesalers in large

How to make it in the Mail Order Wholesale Book Business

The real profit in selling books by mail is by
having dealers sell for you. Rather than mailing
out thousands of your own mailing packets, at
today's high postage cost, get hundreds of
thousands mailed out through your own dealers.
This can generate steady orders and profits and
is one of the secrets to a successful mail order
book business.

There are a number of prime source mail order
firms offering good mail order distributorships.
They offer high quality books, reports and folios
that appeal to the public; the kind of
publications that have generated consistently
high profits in the mail order business. You
should give wholesale book selling a try.
Recognise the profit potential and determine if
this method fits in with your other programs.

Most of the better prime source firms offering
distributorships have a simplified program which
includes instructions, profit tested literature,
sales letters, brochures, order forms and return
envelopes that do the selling for you. The simple
instructions can be followed even by the
experienced person. The old-timers in mail order
can use the wholesale book selling programs to
supplement their other projects, in many
instances combining book selling with their other
mailing activities with very little added

Imprinted sales literature, to solicit dealers
and for the dealers to use in selling to the
consumer, is furnished at reasonable prices; or
camera ready copy is usually available so that
the printing can be done locally. The literature
for dealers is priced a little higher than the
cost to pay for processing the order.

The prime source will ship your customers' orders
for literature, brochures, etc, under your
shipping label. They will also drop-ship the
books and publications direct to your dealers,
using your name or label.

Your wholesale cost for publications will vary
depending on whether you have the prime source
drop-ship direct to your dealers, or in quantity
to your place of business. The amount you charge
your dealers will also vary depending on
dropship services or quantify purchases. You,
as the wholesaler, should make every effort to
purchase the publications for a minimum of four
times below retail price.

In other words, you purchase 100 booklets for $1
each = $100; you sell to your dealers at $2 each
= $200; your dealers must realise at least double
his cost when selling to the consumer, or $4 each
= $400.

You must ascertain that the prime source carries
sufficient inventory with a number of different
titles and that titles may be assorted in making
up quantity when you purchase in volume.
Determine if they are posted promptly and if the
prime source pays postage and charges so that
your cost is net. Even though your cost is net,
you must pay for shipping to your dealers; they
must absorb the cost of mailing to their

The price you have to pay the prime source often
is the determining factor in the success of your
program. If the book retails at a price too low,
considering the high postage and mailing costs,
no profit can be realised by your dealer, nor by
yourself, unless orders are limited to a minimum
number of titles for each total purchase. Be
certain that the program offered by the prime
source allows sufficient margin to pay for all
your costs, and your dealers, while generating a
fair profit for you both.

To find the right programs for your operation
write to a number of firms offering book selling
wholesale programs. These can be found in any of
the hundreds of mail order ad sheets, magazines
and publications available today. (some call it
junk mail, but if they only knew the money-making
potential of the right program, Gold Mail would
be more appropriate).

Get their literature, then order a minimum
starter pack of the programs that interest you
and fit in with your mail order schedule. Make
tests to prove the value of each program. Drop
those that do not prove out after a reasonable
test. When you find one that is hitting, multiply
it cautiously until you know it is a winner, then
go full blast in every direction to make it pay
off BIG. For more details of wholesale programs
and publications on disk, contact the publisher
of this title.

How to make $100 mailing 100 envelopes by using the Exchange Mailing Plan

Regarding this plan they have been telling you to
have 5,000 3 x 6 commission circulars printed,
the circulars offering $1 items and paying 50%
commission on every order received. Then mail 100
each to 50 Exchange Mailers in 50 envelopes
marked X-100SY (which means Exchange 100 - send
yours). When you receive 100 circulars from each
of the exchange mailers, mail out one each in 50
envelopes. This way 100 envelopes mails your
5,000 circulars. If you have a good circular
offering a popular seller, and the exchange
mailers you sent yours too, are honest and
dependable, you should receive at least 2%
return. Then they state that this plan will bring
$50 profit.

This is the complete plan and they say it works;
that it is working every day for many mailers and
that it will work for you. I have no doubt that
it works. However, the $50 profit they mention is
gross profit before any expenses. Figure it out;
by the time you purchase the printing, the
envelopes and the stamps, your expenses will
leave you little if any net profit.

Of course, if the exchange mailers send you top
pulling circulars for their 'fast selling
products' and you receive 50% or more commission
on orders from these, you can make a substantial
net profit, perhaps enough to pay for your time
and effort.

If you are serious about making money at home,
commission mailing is one way to do it, but you
must have circulars that offer top selling items.
In this day and age of inflation and high postage
costs it is difficult to make much by mailing
circulars selling only $1 products. You should
have a very minimum selling price of from $5 to
$8 in order to pay you a reasonable amount.
For just the postage and handling, many mail
order firms will send you commission circulars
and the names of other mail order dealers who
will send you all the names you want for FREE.
There are other dealers who are happy to send you
their circulars without cost in order to defray
their mailing expenses. All you have to do is
write and request their circulars or place a
small display ad in various mail-order advertisers
and ad sheets indicating that you mail good
commission circulars for free.

You can get the names of a number of printers in
the mail order business who print commission
circulars for a very reasonable fee. I would
suggest that you order 6,000 3 x 6 circulars
rather than 5,000 as suggested on the prior page
for the simple reason most printers like to keep
their printing formats and price schedules in
round figures and 6,000 3 x 6's will fit on 1,000
sheets of the standard A4 size paper (in fact the
3 x 6 is just a little under this actual size to
fit 6 up on an A4 sheet of paper).

If you handle your commission programs on a
conservative basis until you have tested and
proven the value of each program, you can very
well make $100+ by mailing 200 envelopes with an
exchange mailing plan.