Swiss Annuities - Safe And Secure

What Is An Annuity?

An annuity is a tax advantaged way to put aside
money for retirement, or other, objectives.  Annuities
may be among the best ways to create retirement income.
They allow savings to grow tax-deferred, building
assets faster than other investments.
The way this works is that money is invested with
an insurance company.  Annuities may be a good
investment for many long-term goals, but several
features make them especially well suited for
retirement savings:
* No Annual Investment Ceiling.  There is no limit
to the amount that can be put into an annuity each
year.  Other tax-advantaged plans such as IRAs should
not be overlooked for retirement savings, but the
amount that can be contributed each year is limited.
* The Power of Tax-Deferral. Money will grow
faster than in a taxable vehicle with a similar rate of
return for several reasons.  Not only does the interest
accumulate tax-free until withdrawal, but funds that
otherwise would have been used to pay taxes remain in
the account for additional earnings.  And if the
payments are not taken until retirement, the recipient
is probably in a lower tax bracket at that time.
* Security for One's Family.  If the purchaser
dies before distributions begin, their family (or other
beneficiaries) can receive the full value of the
annuity.  By naming a beneficiary, the annuity may even
bypass probate and eliminate the associated costs and
* Simplicity. There are no annual IRS forms to
file, and there is no entry on Form 1040 until the
payments actually begin.

An annuity can offer the investment returns of a
mutual fund, but deferring the tax until after
retirement.  Though unglamorous, an annuity is one of
the investment industry's fastest-growing products.
The annuity also contains some of the tax-deferred
benefits of an individual retirement account or
employer-sponsored 401(k) plan.  Although it has been
available for more than 20 years, sales have boomed in
the last few years.
With an annuity, savings grow, tax deferred, until
withdrawn, with no restrictions on how much can be
invested -- unlike an IRA or other retirement plan.
And because an annuity is also an insurance
product, it promises a guaranteed regular income after
retirement, regardless of how long the investor lives.
Sales of domestic annuities in the U. S. are now
running around $50 billion per year.  But the real
reason for the growth is that as the American
population ages, it is waking up to the fact that
retirement self-sufficiency is an important issue. The
annuity has some ideal characteristics for them.
An annuity, often described as the opposite of
life insurance, is a financial contract with an
insurance company. These can be structured so they make
regular monthly payments for life, no matter how long
the recipient lives.
While technically the investor doesn't own the
investments the annuity makes, he benefits from their
investment. And because he doesn't own the investments
-- the insurance company does -- savings can grow, and
the gains are tax-deferred.
Just as with an IRA, no taxes are due on
investment gains while the funds remain in the annuity
account.  This helps savings grow faster, and it allows
individuals to better control when they will pay taxes.
Taxes are due when money is withdrawn.  Just as
with an IRA or 401(k) account, withdrawal of funds
before age 59 1/2 incurs a 10 percent penalty.
While these investments do enjoy tax-deferred
status as do other retirement accounts, individuals
still get greater tax savings under traditional IRA or
401(k) plans, at least to the degree that contributions
to those accounts are also tax deductible.  But once
beyond the level of what can be deducted, annuities are
for investors who want to build substantial tax-free
growth, not just be limited to a government-mandated
maximum amount of savings.
In an IRA or other retirement account, initial
investments under certain limits are deposited before
taxes.  That allows wage earners to shield current
income from tax, as well as allow investments to
accumulate on a tax-deferred basis.
With an annuity, the initial investment is made
with post-tax dollars, although after that, investment
gains are tax-free until withdrawn.
This is a supplemental retirement tool, after all
the other things.  In an annuity one can set aside as
much money each year as retirement or other future
plans require.  Other tax-advantaged plans such as IRAs
should not be overlooked for retirement savings, but
the amount that can be contributed each year is
Owning an annuity also can prevent some tax
liability that often hits mutual fund holders.  When a
mutual fund is purchased, at the end of the year they
pay a capital gains distribution, and even if they
reinvest it, it is a taxable event.  With a variable
annuity, any profit made, as long as it stays there,
grows tax-deferred.
Other considerations in selecting an annuity
include important safety questions, such as the
financial health of the insurance company guaranteeing
the investment.
Because annuities are insurance products, the fees
paid by investors are different than for mutual funds.
Typically, there are no front-end load fees or
commissions to buy an annuity, but there are
"surrender" charges for investors who withdraw funds
early in an American annuity, usually during the first
five or six years.  (This is not the case in the Swiss
annuities discussed later.).
The money in an annuity will grow much faster than
in a taxable vehicle with a similar rate of return, for
several reasons.  Not only does interest accumulate
tax-free until withdrawal, but funds that would
otherwise have been used to pay taxes remain in the
account for additional earnings.  And by the time of
retirement, the recipient is usually in a lower tax
bracket, and will thus pay less tax on the annuity
Although salesman like to point out that an
annuity's value is "guaranteed," that promise is only
as strong as the insurer making it.  An annuity is
backed by the insurer's investment portfolio, which in
America may contain junk bonds and troubled real estate
investments.  If an American insurer has financial
problems, the investor may become just another creditor
hoping to be paid back.  For example, when the New
Jersey state insurance department took over bankrupt
Mutual Benefit Life, the state temporarily froze the
accounts of annuity holders, preventing them from
withdrawing money unless they could prove a significant
financial hardship.
Some American annuity marketers inflate their
yields by playing games with the way they calculate
them; others advertise sumptuous rates that have more
strings attached than a marionette.  The most
widespread form of rate deception is the bonus annuity,
in which insurers tack on as much as eight percentage
points to their current interest rate.  But many of
these alluring bonuses can be illusory.  In most cases
the bonus rate is only paid if the annuity is held for
many years, and then taken out in monthly installments
instead of a lump sum.  If the investor asks for the
cash in a lump sum, the insurer will retroactively
subtract the bonus, plus the interest that compounded
on the bonus, plus a penalty on the original
Even more insidious are tiered-rate annuities --
so named because they have two levels of interest
rates.  They ballyhoo an above-average interest rate.
But as with their bonus-rate cousins, the accrued
earnings in the account reflect this so-called
accumulation rate only when the payout is made over a
long time.  A straight withdrawal, by contrast, will
knock the annuity down to a low "surrender value" rate
for every year invested.
Other insurers simply resort to the time-
dishonored practice of luring customers with lofty
initial rates that are lowered at renewal time.
All of this nonsense has given the American
annuity industry a bad name, and it is not surprising
that most investors simply hang up the telephone when
an annuity salesman calls.
Enter the clean, simple, honest Swiss annuity.

Swiss Annuities

Swiss annuities minimize the risk posed by U. S.
annuities.  They are heavily regulated, unlike in the
U.S., to avoid any potential funding problem.  They
denominate accounts in the strong Swiss franc, compared
to the weakening dollar.  And the annuity payout is
Swiss annuities are exempt from the famous 35%
withholding tax imposed by Switzerland on bank account
interest received by foreigners.  Annuities do not have
to be reported to Swiss or U.S. tax authorities.
A U.S. purchaser of an annuity is required to pay
a 1% U.S. federal excise tax on the purchase of any
policy from a foreign company.  This is much like the
sales tax rule that says that if a person shops in a
different state, with a lower sales tax than their home
state, when they get home they are required to mail a
check to their home state's sales tax department for
the difference in sales tax rates.
The U.S. federal excise tax form (IRS Form 720)
does not ask for details of the policy bought or who it
was bought from -- it merely asks for a calculation of
1% tax of any foreign policies purchased.  This is a
one time tax at the time of purchase; it is not an
ongoing tax.  It is the responsibility of the U. S.
taxpayer, to report the Swiss annuity or other foreign
insurance policy.  Swiss insurance companies do not
report anything to any government agency, Swiss or
American -- not the initial purchase of the policy, nor
the payments into it, nor interest and dividends

Special Advantages of Swiss Annuities

* They Pay Competitive Dividends and Interest.

* No foreign reporting requirements.  A swiss
franc annuity is not a "foreign bank account," subject
to the reporting requirements on the IRS Form 1040 or
the special U. S. Treasury form for reporting foreign
accounts.  Transfers of funds by check or wire are not
reportable under U. S. law by individuals -- the
reporting requirements apply only to cash and "cash
equivalents" -- such as money orders, cashier's checks,
and travellers' checks.

* No forced repatriation of funds.  If America
were to eventually institute exchange controls, the
government might require that most overseas investments
be repatriated to America.  This has been a common
requirement by most governments that have imposed
exchange controls.  Insurance policies, however, would
likely escape any forced repatriation under future
exchange controls, because they are a pending contract
between the investor and the insurance company.  Swiss
bank accounts would probably not escape such controls.
(To the bureaucrats writing such regulations, an
insurance policy is a commodity already bought, rather
than an investment.)

* Protection from creditors.  No creditor,
including the IRS, may attach a Swiss annuity, if the
purchaser's wife or children are named as
beneficiaries.  Liens cannot be attached to these
assets.  This way, the purchaser knows that at least a
portion of his wealth is beyond the reach of a
litigious society and will, indeed, go to his
designated heirs.

* Instant liquidity.  With the Swiss Plus plan,
described later, an investor can liquidate up to 100%
of the account without penalty (except for a SFr500
charge during the first year.)

* Swiss safety.  As already discussed, Switzerland
has the world's strongest insurance industry, with no
failures in 130 years.

* No Swiss tax.  If an investor accumulates Swiss
francs through standard investments, he will be subject
to the 35% withholding tax on interest or dividends
earned in Switzerland.  Swiss franc annuities are free
of this tax.  In the U. S., insurance proceeds are not
taxed.  And earnings on annuities during the deferral
period are not taxable until income is paid, or when
they are liquidated.

* Convenience.  Sending deposits to Switzerland is
no more difficult than mailing an insurance premium in
the United States.  A personal check in U. S. dollars
is written and sent overseas (50› postage instead of
29›).  Funds can also be transferred by bank wire.

* Qualified for U.S. Pension Plans.  Swiss
annuities can be placed in a U. S. tax-sheltered
pension plans, such as IRA, Keogh, or corporate plans,
or such a plan can be rolled over into a Swiss-annuity.
(To put a Swiss annuity in a U.S. pension plan, all
that is required is a U.S. trustee, such as a bank or
other institution, and that the annuity contract be
held in the U.S. by that trustee.  Many banks offer
"self-directed" pension plans for a very small annual
administration fee, and these plans can easily be used
for this purpose.)

* No Load Fees. Investment in Swiss annuities is
on a "no load" basis, front-end or back-end.  The
investments can be canceled at any time, without a loss
of principal, and with all principal, interest and
dividends payable if canceled after one year.  (If
canceled in the first year, there is a small penalty of
about 500 Swiss francs, plus loss of interest.)

Earn a Lifetime Income From International Customers

Would you like to work a few hours a week, and
receive residual income for the rest of your life?
Commissions on the customers you sell today can
continue indefinitely, and so can commissions on the
sales of agents you recruit -- for up to seven levels
under you.
And there are NO monthly purchase requirements --
you don't even need to be a customer yourself to earn
this money!  Not having to be a customer could be
especially important if you need to keep your home
telephone under another service in order to preserve
your commissions from another company.
The product is both domestic and international
long distance services, and the company is Net-Tel.
The international part lets you sell services in other
countries, and recruit agents in other countries,
creating an opportunity to build a truly global source
of income.  We'll come back to the international aspect
in a bit, but first, lets examine the opportunity and
the commission structure.
It costs less than $100 to become a Net-Tel
representative, and it is a one time fee.  There are no
annual fees and no monthly accounting fees deducted
from your checks.  Net-Tel is multi-level, and you earn
a 5% commission on the long distance services you sell
yourself.  These services include residential and
business long distance, 800 numbers, international
callback services and global pre-paid calling cards.
For these basic services Net-Tel is a reseller of LDDS
Metromedia, the fourth largest U.S. long-distance
company, with peak time rates generally 20 to 30% lower
than AT&T, MCI, and Sprint.
Because the commission on these services goes on
for as long as your customer stays with Net-Tel, the
work you do in the early years can give you a lifetime
of commissions.  Your customer does not need to become
a Net-Tel agent -- the multi-level aspect only comes
into play if you want to recruit somebody as a
representative.  If you wish, you can simply sell long
distance services to individuals and businesses without
ever recruiting another person as a representative.

Make still more money by recruiting others

But if you do want to recruit others as
representatives, the income potential multiplies
dramatically.  The commission structure then pays you
on agents you recruit, and the agents they recruit, for
a full seven levels under you.  Commissions are paid on
all sales, unlike some companies that only pay after
your agents have achieved a large volume of business.
On the agents you directly recruit, you receive 2% of
their sales.  At the third level -- the agents they
recruit -- you receive a 1% commission.  The fourth
level pays 1%, the fifth and sixth levels pay 1/2%, and
the seventh level pays 1%.

Help charities get the money they need

Net-Tel lets you recruit non-profit organizations
as independent representatives, in which case the group
will receive the full 5% commission and you will
receive the 2% override commission.  And Net-Tel will
even pay the one-time agent fee for groups with IRS-
approved tax-exempt status!

International services for a global income

In the past few years, an international discount
telephone industry called "callback" or "third-country
calling" has been growing rapidly.  (The name
"callback" for these services is because most of them
use a computer system to automatically call back to the
customer's foreign number when the computer has been
called.)  Net-Tel has now entered this industry,
providing an opportunity to recruit agents in foreign
countries as well as make direct sales worldwide.
"Callback" primarily serves people outside the
U.S. who need to call the U.S., or call between two
foreign countries.  Since discount telephone services
are not available in most of the world, an industry has
developed to serve these markets by channeling the
calls through the U.S.  American telephone rates are so
low that it is cheaper to route a call through the
U.S., even though that means paying for two separate
In addition to callback services, Net-Tel offers
another international service -- a prepaid card that
can be used for international calling, thus making
international telephone services readily available to
travelers, people without a telephone of their own, and
others who may have occasional needs but not need the
full callback service.
And you'll be getting a percentage of all those
calls if they're sold through the network of
representatives that you've built.
While the market is foreign, that doesn't mean
that Americans can't make money from this service.
Some of the markets you might consider are
international travelers, and companies that have
representatives traveling overseas.  Anybody with
family members overseas who call frequently is an
especially good prospect for this service.  Who do you
know who has a relative on an overseas military
assignment, or a child spending a year at a foreign
school as part of a student exchange program?
The key to making big money with the international
portion of this opportunity is finding good
distributors in foreign countries and signing them up
under you.
Net-Tel, which has been successfully offering
domestic telecommunications services for a number of
years, just began offering international services and
accepting foreign representatives within the last few
weeks, so this is truly an opportunity to get in at the
beginning.  The person you sign up now in another
country might go on to build a network of agents
throughout that country.

Getting started

To get an application form to become a Net-Tel
representative, send a self-addressed stamped envelope

Network Marketing Group
3712 North Broadway, #502
Chicago IL 60613-4105.

To assure professional and knowledge agents, once
you have signed-up as a Net-Tel representative you will
be able to participate in free training sessions that
Net-Tel schedules around the country, to learn about
each of the products in detail and be able to answer
your customer's questions with confidence and