Why People Will Pay You For Your Mlm Literature

what is advertised. That is, he will get the expensive colour
brochures, the official application forms, audio cassettes, and
video tapes. The whole package. All the official literature and
documentation. Everything that he needs to evaluate your MLM
programme and register immediately! After all, if he is sending
his money for all this, you do want to send everything to him.
Don't you?

But that's not what he would normally get from other people. By
"other people" I mean people who are not promoting via the MO/MLM
MACHINE METHOD. Let me explain. I have personally sent to five
different MLM distributors in the same MLM programme, and have
received five entirely different sets of literature. None of them
had the complete set of everything. When I evaluate a MLM
programme, I want to see and hear everything so I can make a good
decision. Don't you? Well, so do the other people requesting this

Why don't MLM'ers normally send out the entire package right
away? Well it goes something like this. Somehow the MLM'er gets
his hands on leads that need to be qualified. These could be
enquiries or maybe his upline sponsor calls him and tells him he
has a few names of people who could be good leads.

"Could be good leads?" What does that mean? And he's supposed to
send out his expensive package? So he calls first. More expense.
So be it. After many attempts, he gets through. Most likely, some
are "somewhat interested". They would like more information. Now
what would you do in this case? Here is a potential opportunity
in that you might be able to sponsor someone that is only
"somewhat interested" but he wants more information. Would you
send to him an expensive œ 10 to œ 20 package? Maybe you can just
copy some of this expensive colour literature and send to him? Or
maybe you try to "qualify" this "hot" lead and question him over
the phone.

You try to explain, "Sir, I would be glad to send you some
literature, and if you are really interested, call or write to me
and I will send you the video." Maybe you attach strings like, --
"I'll send the video if you will promise to send the information
back if you're not interested." And on and on. It gets messy!
It's confusing. And it doesn't work! Where's the plan?

There is nothing quite as annoying as to be sent poorly copied
material and then be asked to send money for the rest. What is
that telling me? Is this how I am supposed to promote this
programme? It sounds like I have to spend a lot of my own money
advertising and then send this material out with questionable
results! Personally, I want to deal with someone professional
that knows what he is doing and can help me. Someone who has a
clear plan that works and will show me how to do it simply! And
how to make money doing it! And that brings us to the second
major reason why people will pay you for your promotional

2 HE CAN BE SPONSORED BY YOU! The person sending money to you for
your literature will have the opportunity and PRIVILEGE of being
sponsored by you! Wow! That sounds almost arrogant! But wait a
minute. What does this person really stand to gain by being
sponsored by you and how much does it really cost him to do so?
Well, if the promotional package is only a œ 1, that will more
than cover your cost.

3 HE WILL GET HIGHLY QUALIFIED LEADS. For the moment, don't worry
about how YOU are going to do this, since we will show you how
you will earn money. Instead look at this from HIS point of view.
He WILL get leads . . . almost instantly! Understand that we're
not talking about hundreds or thousands of `Opportunity Seeker'
type leads. You can lose a lot of money sending out literature to
this type of `lead'. Instead, we are talking about just a few --
but highly qualified -- leads, coming from people that have
already bought the MO/MLM MACHINE.

deal! Yes, it will cost him a pound or so each, but that's
peanuts! Isn't it? How many leads do you want me to generate and
then send the literature for you ?

From YOUR point of view, don't be overly concerned that you will
be sending out some literature packages for your newly recruited
members. You will only have to do this in the beginning while you
are building your first level. You will be doing this just for
the ten or so people in your first level and only while you are
helping them to get started. After that, you sit back, relax and
let your downline do the work. Just like you DID (past tense)! In
other words, you do this one time while you are building your
initial first and second level. Not forever! If you like,
however, you can keep promoting the MO/MLM MACHINE and help your
SECOND level build YOUR third level.

do, your downline must be able to duplicate. Now look what is
happening so far. By promoting the MO/MLM MACHINE programmes, and
selling your leads, you are earning extra cash to help your
downline! If he joins under you, he will be able to do the same


Well, clearly your potential distributor can request literature
from the `other' guys who will send out a partial package free.
And then he can do as they do. Right? But what do they do? Let me
explain. The `other guys' must first place an advertisement in
various magazines. These ads are either placed by one distributor
or through some kind of cooperative advertising method.

Did you ever see advertisements from companies who will "Build
Your Downline?" That is one of the things that they do. Getting a
`lead' is just part of the process. Somehow, they must be
qualified! A lead could simply be a name in a large listing of
MLM enthusiasts. You sure don't want to send an expensive œ 10
mailing to a thousand of these people, do you? After the lead is
qualified, you then normally have to call these people, and then
send expensive promotional material to them.

While on the subject of placing advertisement for MLM programmes,
let me explain something else to you. Most MLM companies get a
little nervous about you using their name in any kind of
advertising that they have not previously approved. To get
approval generally means that their lawyers must approve it.
Since this is very expensive and takes many revisions and time,
it is not normally attempted.

More than likely, the MLM companies don't have a good advertising
piece that you can use for mail order purposes. If they do, you
and the other thousands of distributors are using the same ad! If
you look at the MLM & mail order type publications like I do, you
will find that there are often SEVERAL ads that are absolutely
identical! That's a lousy deal!

To overcome this problem, a MLM distributor can make up his own
ad, but normally, he will not mention the MLM company name since
it needs to be approved. Boy does that take the sharp edge off
your MLM ad! Here you are trying to recruit members, and your ad
doesn't even say what company it is! Either way, if you try to
advertise your MLM programme, you wind up with a poor deal. It
costs you plenty, and you end up competing with everyone under
the sun. There's got to be a better way!

How Do You Sell Twenty To Fifty Mo/Mlm Machines?

On the surface, that sounds like it might be a lot. Nevertheless,
help me think this through. Let's say you want to start on a
shoe-string budget. That's the worst case, isn't it? You can
start just by circulating postcards and selling the report,
'How To Make Money With Postcards.' This report gives you no less
than 110 methods -- 65 of them post free!

If you have the funds to advertise right away, great! But if you
don't, start with postcards. Or just use a "mini-flyer." That
will cost you less than a penny per flyer. Set a goal to
circulate a thousand of these. Yes, I know that takes a little
work. But, just think how much you probably will earn per

OK. You pay œ 5 to œ 10 to get a thousand of your "mini-flyers"
printed (250 sheets). You circulate the thousand locally and sure
enough, you get a few orders for the report. Let's say you only
get twenty orders. That's only two per cent! Oh well, let' not
make this too easy. Assume you're charging œ 2 for the report.
It's well worth that. So you get orders worth œ 2 x 20 = œ 40.
Let's say only a couple people buy the MO/MLM MACHINE. That's
another 2 x œ 15 = œ 30.00 or a total of œ 30 + œ 40 = œ 70. Not much,
but not bad. It will cost you less than œ 10 to fill your orders,
and you will have some of the other reprintable reports.
Circulate more post cards again! This time you will make more
money than before . . . won't you?

Frankly, when I speak of starting your business on a shoe-string
budget, I am really thinking of about a hundred pounds or so.
Most people can raise that kind of money . . . don't you agree?
If you can afford, say, œ 200 to start, get into at least one MLM
programme and buy several sets of reprintable reports.

Let's assume that you buy the MO/MLM MACHINE set of reports and a
minimum of one other mail order programme, and get into at least
one MLM programme. You also have a few thousand postcards or
"mini-flyers" printed, and you circulate them locally with no
postage cost. You can do all that with œ 200, can't you?

Now you have a good chance to sell ten or twenty MO/MLM MACHINE
reports quickly along with a few of your mail order programmes
and signing up several people in your MLM programme. Don't you?
Now take your profits, re-invest them and multiply your business.
If you can sell only fifteen MO/MLM MACHINES with this effort,
and then double your business each time, the number of MO/MLM
MACHINES that you sell could look something like this:

15 x 2 x 2 = 60 MO/MLM MACHINE packages!

That's close enough for guess-work. The point is if you re-invest
the profits, you can multiply your sales. Is it reasonable for
you to be able to sell fifty MO/MLM MACHINE packages? You bet it
is . . . particularly if you promote locally!

Let me share some figures with you. If you analyse the `Business
Opportunity' type magazines, 'Exchange and Mart', and so on, you
will find that there are at least 200,000 readers buying this
type of publication in this country. That tells me that in any
given day of the year, there are at least 200,000 people who are
looking for a business opportunity.

Now how many people do you suppose are already active in MLM
programmes? Well, I have gone to the library, and in one thick
directory, found that at least one Name List Broker that offers a
listing of over 6,000 MLM companies, world wide! That's companies
-- not distributors! Many of these MLM companies have over
100,000 distributors! Therefore, when I see estimates that there
are over 5,000,000 MLM distributors, I believe it! 5

A recent estimate in the USA claimed that roughly one out of
fifty of the population are involved in MLM! Well, not quite
since the figures did not allow for the fact that many people are
involved with several programmes. Let's be on the safe side and
say one out of 250 Americans are involved with MLM. In the UK and
the rest of Europe the figures are somewhat lower, but they are
increasing daily. Australia and New Zealand are catching up fast
too. It has long been a truism that whatever happens today in
North America happens tomorrow in the rest of the world.

Whatever we may feel about that, it does mean that there are
millions of people who are interested in business opportunities,
but they are not all looking for them in business opportunity
magazines. Are they? In fact a very small proportion are doing
so. That means that if you circulate postcards LOCALLY -- you and
your downline have virtually an unlimited number of people, with
little or no competition! That's why you and your downline can be
sure of finding a lot of people right in your own back yard!

That doesn't mean to say you should not advertise nationally. But
be aware that the HUGE supply of leads is from strangers right in
your own neighbourhood! The reason that I am making this point is
to show you that anyone can make this programme work. Just follow
the techniques in this and other reports in the MO/MLM MACHINE

How To Use Amazing Cross Pollination Methods To Earn Up-Front Cash

How To Use Amazing Cross Pollination Methods To
Earn Up-Front Cash While Building An Explosive, Infinitely
Deep Downline!

This report, 'How To Use Amazing CROSS POLLINATION Methods To
Earn Up Front Cash While Building An Explosive, Infinitely Deep
Downline!' is one of seventeen reports offered in our plan, 'How
to Build A Lean, Mean Mail Order/MLM Machine'. If you have not
purchased the entire set of reprintable reports, I strongly urge
you to do so now so you can take full advantage of this

The concept of "Cross Pollination" is an extremely successful
technique recently developed in the United States by a company
called Videx. It will maximise the growth and profits of your
business while keeping your efforts and up front costs to a
minimum. Cross Pollination is a marketing concept that smoothly
integrates the principles of MLM, mail order techniques, the
offering of reprintable reports, and cooperation between you and
your downline into one coherent plan. With it comes explosive
growth potential for you. Here is how it works.

The core concept of CROSS POLLINATION is the set of MO/MLM
Machine reports. The MO/MLM Machine reports can be bought,
reprinted and then resold. Within the MO/MLM Machine reports,
there are fifteen sets of additional reprintable reports that
also can be purchased, duplicated and resold. Additional mail
order dealership offers are also described in the MO/MLM Machine,
and you can purchase these and then promote them. That way, if
you partake in any of these offers, you may replace the existing
name with your name, and your name will then be circulated
indefinitely. Also embedded into the MO/MLM Machine are a wide
range of `choice' MLM programmes including several `highly
recommended' ones. If you participate in any of these MLM
programmes, you will be automatically promoting your MLM
programme when the MO/MLM Machine reports are duplicated and
circulated to others.

To summarise, the MO/MLM Machine is both a training manual and
your catalogue that is automatically printed and circulated by
others for you!

By using the MO/MLM Machine reports, you can start a lucrative
mail order business without spending years of research and
minimising mistakes by trial and error. In other words, all the
programmes offered within the MO/MLM Machine reports are known to
be excellent mail order items that can be sold profitably. In
short, the MO/MLM Machine is a complete turn key mail order
programme. Furthermore, it functions as a complete home study
training mail order manual with easy step-by-step instructions on
how to succeed. It also provides instructions and training for
your MLM distributors who you may have recruited. And lastly, but
very importantly, it generates good quality leads for your MLM
and mail order programmes!

Since the primary purpose of the MO/MLM Machine is to generate
quality leads, it provides a unique and effective way of doing
that. As mentioned, if you participate in a MLM or mail order
programme, you will generate leads when you sell the MO/MLM
Machine. Just as important, you will be shown how to generate
leads in your local area in a fast and cost-effective manner! If
you and your downline follow this technique, you will be tapping
into the millions of people that are normally NOT exposed to the
opportunity magazines! Understand that this can be done by LOCAL
promotion mail order methods. That way, the MO/MLM Machine uses
the best part of MLM and mail order techniques. In other words,
you get the best of both worlds!

There may be some of you reading this that would like to pursue
only the mail order part of this business. That is fine! You have
a complete mail order business package and you can proceed
directly. In fact, you can operate this business just about off
your kitchen table. If you can circulate and mail a few postcards
you can start immediately. You also can place inexpensive
classified ads and small space advertisements and you will be
flooded with enquiries and orders.

Nevertheless, understand that if you are not promoting MLM
programmes, the person who sold you this package probably is. And
he can profit handsomely through your efforts because he will
most likely be generating leads for his own programmes . . . just
so you know what you are missing. In other words, every time you
sell a MO/MLM Machine package, you are automatically promoting
and generating leads.

I believe you will agree that by using the marketing methods
explained in our MO/MLM Machine reports, it is easy to promote
and sell our package, 'How To Build A Lean, Mean Mail Order
Machine'. For example, you can easily start by circulating a few
postcards locally that promote the reprintable plan, 'HOW TO MAKE
MONEY WITH POSTCARDS! 65 Easy Postage FREE Moneymaking Methods
Revealed!' As you probably know, you can sell that report for
only œ 1 to œ 2. You should then include a copy of the circular
that promotes the entire set of reports, 'HOW TO BUILD A LEAN,
MEAN Mail Order MACHINE' Therefore, many of the people that buy
the postcard report will then buy the MO/MLM Machine set of
reports for œ 19.95. In both cases, you simply copy the reports
and send them to your customers.

Included in the MO/MLM Machine reports are almost two hundred
additional offers that you and your customers can buy and then
promote. These include MLM programmes, mail order dealerships and
sets of reprintable reports. You can buy into any of the offers
made and in return make money promoting them. And your customers
can do the same.

The selected offers have been chosen carefully. We want to make
sure that they all fit into the MO/MLM Machine marketing plan
philosophy and, of course they must meet our standards. This
actually took us over a year of investigation with many midnight
hours of pouring over many hundreds of offers that are available.

Some of these offers are originated by the prime publisher,
others are selected from offers promoted by other reputable
companies. There are both advantages and disadvantages to this,
although we believe the former outweigh the latter. The
disadvantage is that the prime publisher has no control over
these outside companies. That is why we want everyone to register
in the MO/MLM Machine programme so we can maintain the integrity
of this programme. The advantage is that you are not dependent on
he prime publisher, or any other single organisation. That is, if
the original publisher, or any of the outside companies, goes out
of business for any reason, you retain the publication rights to
these excellent reprintable reports, and you will be dealing
directly with all the other companies.

If you elect to participate in any of the offers, there is a
place in the appropriate MO/MLM Machine reports for you to put
your name and address. That way interested parties can write to
you for more information. These people will then send to you
either money or stamps that will more than cover your costs to
send out the literature. In that way, you will earn a little bit
for getting and handling the leads. We want to make sure that you
don't lose money just sending out literature! Are you with me so
far? Let's review. . . .

You can first start out easily by simply circulating a few mini-
flyers or by sending out a few postcards locally that offer the
Moneymaking Methods Revealed!' You should then get a lot of
orders for this report. Next, copy the report, and send it to
your customers. Also include a copy of the circular, 'HOW TO
then get a few repeat orders for the MO/MLM Machine reports. Not
a bad way to make a few extra pounds part time! But you can make
a lot more than just a few extra pounds with this plan. A whole
lot more! How? By participating in one or more of the many offers
described! Here's how. . . .

Let's say that you buy into only one of the programmes to start
with. Pick the one or more that you like and can afford. Now what
I am about to explain to you is absolutely remarkable! It's easy
to use, but a little complicated to understand at first. This is
extremely important for you to understand, so take your time and
re-read this as many times as you like.


After you buy into one or more of the opportunity offers, you can
then replace the source name with yours. Therefore, when you sell
the MO/MLM Machine reports, you will be making your own offer to
the people who buy the reports. Your name will remain on the
reprintable report until someone replaces your name with his.
This normally will be your customer! Therefore, in the vast
majority of cases, your name will continue to be reproduced until
a customer buys from you!

By selling the MO/MLM Machine reports that also include your
offers, the quantity of orders that you can expect to get is
equal to:


By selling the MO/MLM Machine reports that also include your
offers, the quantity of orders that you can expect to get is a

Now that's a mouthful! Here's how it works. Let's say you have
one offer and you sell ten MO/MLM Machine reports. In that case,
you should get a minimum of one offer times ten reports = ten
orders. If instead, you have ten offers and you again sell ten
MO/MLM Machine reports, you should probably get a minimum of ten
times ten = a hundred orders!

Am I saying that you will sell everything to everyone? Absolutely
not! Remember that your name will continue to be reprinted until
someone buys from you! Now don't get me wrong. No system is
perfect and that includes this one. But the facts are that it is
not only possible -- it is very probable! Although nothing can be
absolutely guaranteed.

Let's look at the mathematics for the simple case where you sell
ten MO/MLM Machines and you have only one offer. Let's assume for
discussion that every person that you sell to will do likewise
and see what happens. Now let's also assume ALL the people that
you have sold the MO/MLM Machine have bought your offer. Let's
face it -- that's very unlikely! But if they did, you would have
received ten times one = ten orders! Right?


As unlikely as the above example may sound, that is PROBABLY YOUR
WORST CASE! What? Well, let's now assume that not one single
person bought your offer! Oops -- is this working? Well let's
continue. You do have ten people who have bought the MO/MLM
Machine. Right? Remember that these MO/MLM Machine reports have
your name after your offer(s) printed in the reports for the
offers that you are promoting.

OK, now let's assume that your customers have now in turn sold
ten MO/MLM Machine reports each to ten other people. That means
that there are now ten x ten = a hundred people who have
purchased the MO/MLM Machine. Are you with me? Understand that
ALL hundred MO/MLM Machine reports have your name printed in them
that explains YOUR offer(s)!

Do you see what is happening? The longer you have to wait to get
an order, the more exposure you are getting! You now have a
hundred MO/MLM Machines that have your offer printed in them, and

Now stop and think a minute. Once your name is printed and
circulated, it will stay there until someone replaces your name
with his or hers. Can you see that you now have an excellent
opportunity to get at least a hundred orders? Will all hundred
who bought the MO/MLM Machine reports order from you? No, that's
unlikely. As before, not all hundred people will order, but now
your offer gets multiplied again . . . and again . . . and again!
You may have your one offer reprinted and circulated thousands of

And remember. Your name will remain on these reports until
someone replaces your name with theirs! And they generally will
become your customers!

What do you suppose would happen if you had started with ten
offers instead of just one? You got it! Everything is multiplied
by ten right from the start. If you like to think big, do it!
Just think what would happen if you buy into ten offers and you
sell a hundred MO/MLM Machine reports? Is that right? At least
ten times a hundred = one thousand orders?

Well, perhaps. But realise there are no guarantees. Nothing is
perfect . . . and that includes this plan. There are some reasons
that this plan will not produce perfect results. You need to
understand them, so this plan will meet with your expectations.

First, there will be a few people that will buy the MO/MLM
Machine, but they already have purchased your offer from another
source. In that case, they will replace your name with theirs
without buying anything from you. But there will be plenty that
buy from you and plenty that will publish these reports and
resell them. Don't you think so? I think so.

Since this or no other plan is perfect, it is important for you
to offer more than one so your chances are improved dramatically.
Other than those two reasons we described, I can't think of any
reason that you will not succeed. Can you?

If you elect to participate in several MLM or mail order offers,
you will have made a very wise choice. Why? Because as your offer
gets printed and reprinted, you are generating leads that
essentially go on for ever. By mixing a few MLM programmes with a
few other mail order offers, you get to make cash money with your
mail order offers while building your downline! And as you see,
the MO/MLM Machine reports can generate leads from an infinitely
deep level! There is no limit to the depth of levels that you
penetrate! You could be getting leads from the MO/MLM Machine
reports that have been printed ten or more times!

Let me explain a secret. I have seen the same quality
reprintable report(s) being sold and resold for years and
years . . . sometimes decades! The reason for this is mail order
dealers just love to sell good quality, reprintable reports. Why?
They earn a large profit markup and seldom get refund requests!

Remember, when YOU sell a MO/MLM Machine set of reports, your
name essentially remains on the reports until you get an order
from someone else! What a terrific way to build your network and
help your downline with highly qualified leads. And from people
who send you money or stamps to pay for the mailing!

Can you now see how this plan works? Do you understand why it is
important for you to get involved with at least one offer? Do you
see why many offers will multiply your business? That is the
reason you should do whatever it takes to get into as many
programmes as you can right from the beginning. Look at it as a
business investment! If you could commit to a œ 100 to œ 200
investment, this would take you a long way -- fast! If you want
to start on a shoe-string budget, you can certainly do so by just
selling reports via postcards. On the other hand, if you are
looking for a business to invest in and get up and running
quickly, that option is open to you. Let's discuss that idea a
little bit more.

If you are serious about starting and operating your own, easy
to run business, you have probably concluded that it will take
you several hundreds of pounds, maybe thousands, and a lot of
risk. Now consider this opportunity. Let's say you buy into at
least ten programmes. It makes sense to get involved with at
least two or three programmes since they can grow forever. If can
you raise a couple of hundred pounds or more, you can be in
several MLM programmes and several of the other offers. Your
initial investment could pay for your monthly MLM fees and carry
you for several months. Therefore, with only a relatively small
investment, you could be going into high gear! Couldn't you? And
building a secure lifetime income! One that will grow month after
month! That's something to think about. You decide. But I'll tell
you something. You have to try.

OK. Let's get to the nitty-gritty of this report. How do you
generate surplus leads and make money doing it?

and postcards, you can very quickly generate orders for the
reports. Read 'How To Make Money With Postcards.' In that report
there is quite a bit of discussion about MLM and so forth.
Therefore, your readers will be encouraged to learn more and buy
more reports and consider your programmes.

2 Include a brochure on the MO/MLM Machine with your report
orders. Then you will sell the complete set of reports to your
customers for œ 19.95 ($35.00) in printed form, or œ 14.95 ($25.00)
on PC disk

3 Buy and resell the additional sets of reprintable reports.
These are very informative and very profitable! You become the
publisher and copy these for pennies and sell them for pounds.

4 Buy and promote the Mail Order Dealership programmes. These
programmes require no stock and are also very instructive and
profitable. They very often offer even more programmes for your

5 Enrol into one or more of our `Highly Recommended' programmes.
That way, you can build a secure, lifetime income!

your first level, the leads probably will keep coming in. Sell
these to your first level people.

7 SELL YOUR LITERATURE! The objective is not to make a lot of
money doing this, but you should make a little for your time and
effort. Don't you agree? If the promotional package costs you,
say œ 2.00 plus 50p for postage, charge a couple extra pounds.
After all, you are doing all the work.

After you have sponsored your first level, don't stop! Continue
to promote the MO/MLM Machine for a while. Remember how CROSS
POLLINATION works? You will continue to get leads until your name
is replaced! Sell fifty MO/MLM Machine reports, and it is just a
matter of time until you will have probably sponsored fifty
people. Sell your leads as you generate them so your second level
will be built. Once you are on a roll, consider placing national
ads since these will generate tons of leads.

9 ASK YOUR UPLINE FOR EXTRA LEADS. Isn't that what uplines are
for? If your upline is following this method, he probably will
have a few extra leads to help you out. If he is selling these
leads for a œ 1, buy as many as you can. Explain to your downline
where you are getting these leads and it will cost him an
additional pound for your time and effort. What the heck. It's
just a matter of principle. In my opinion, you (and I) should
earn at least something for your time and effort, shouldn't you?
And a good qualified lead that is being handled for him it is
worth every penny of œ 2.

10 As your profits grow, plough a percentage of them back into
buying into more programmes. Update your MO/MLM Machine reports
with your new offers and circulate details to previous

11 MORE ON CROSS POLLINATION. Let's say that your organisation is
growing nicely, and you have two hundred people in it. These two
hundred people are into various combinations of the offers made
in this programme. Now don't you think these two hundred people
would like to promote their programmes to each other? What better
potential customers and distributors can you possibly find?

Well, you can help and make some nice money doing it. What would
happen if you were to make an offer to your two hundred people
that went something like this. "I will send out a statement on
the offers that you are promoting to the other 199 people in this
programme. That way, you can instantly expand your customer base
and MLM organisation." What a deal! Sounds good . . . doesn't

By making this mailing, your own downline sells within itself.
Everyone gets stronger and your organisation multiplies with the
same number of people. So what else is in this for you? Well, you
have to do a little typing, printing and mailing to get two
hundred pieces mailed. But, you get 200 x œ 20 = œ 4,000! Wow! That
should pay for your printing and postage, shouldn't it? Well, you
think about that. It's a nice way to help everyone -- including

The following form can be used to let us know if you would like
to have your name and offers sent out to at least two hundred
other people in this programme. When we have at least two hundred
people, we'll drop you a note and let you know we're about ready

and ask for your payment at that time. Just let us know now if
you are interested. The person's name that is in the block below
is the person that will handle this. If you want to do the
mailing for your downline, just replace the name below with
yours! Simple isn't it?


You have to ACT, or nothing will ever happen. Why not make up
your mind today while there is still time. Go through our
literature, and pick out the programmes and offers that you like
and GO FOR IT! Act now while this opportunity exists!


Yes, I am interested in having my name and listing of my offers
sent out to at least 200 other people that are active in
promoting the MO/MLM Machine programme. I understand that the
charge is œ 20 (overseas $35 cash or International Money Order) to
have this sent to 200 people.

I further understand that you will also send to me your package
so I will have all the names and addresses of these people to
contact directly.

When you have your 200 people accumulated, please write to me. If
your mailing is less than 200, I understand that you will charge

For example, if you have only 100 people, the cost will be
100/200 x œ 20 = œ 10.




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[Copyright Magick Enterprises, 1996]