The Advantages Of Locating A Good Mail Order "Buddie"

Many beginners in mail order today think they are totally alone in the
operation of their business. Nothing could be further from the truth! Mail
order is full of fine, upstanding, caring and honest people.

Mail order products are normally higher quality than locally purchased items
because they have to be. If I can purchase my car wax at Cornerstore Auto
Parts, why would I purchase it through mail order? Because the car wax I
buy through mail order is not available at my local store.

Many people don't want to contact other people in their same field because
they are afraid of competition. You are confusing mail order with local
business. Sure, if you own a shoe repair store and another guy who owns a
shoe repair store opens up a shop across the street from you _ there will
be competition. But suppose you live in New York City and your shoe repair
store is located on the east side of town. Would the shoe repair store
located on the west side of town be competition for you? I don't think so.
In a city of over 11 million people, I would think there would be enough
work for the both of you.

In the mail order business, the world is your marketplace. If you are a
printer, you can work with another printer and help each other out. There
is enough business for the both of you without hurting each other. In fact,
you can refer business back and forth and work together to support the
printing industry as a whole. It's a win/win situation for both sides!

Write personal letters to people in mail order. Read and study the adsheets
and mail order publications. When you find an ad that strikes your
attention,  write a personal letter for more information. Inform the
dealer of your services.  Explain that you are a NEW mail order beginner
or just entering the mail order market and you would appreciate any advice
or direction. If you see a product that you really like, write to the
dealer and ask how you might go about selling this product for him or her.

Can't afford to advertise your C/R this week because you didn't receive
any orders? Write to publishers that you see running their ads. Ask if you
can send them a C/R ad in exchange for mailing some copies for them free
of charge. Some people may turn you down - but many others will take you
up on your offer. While you don't want to do this all the time and "ride
a good horse to death" - this bartering has helped me out of a few
situations when money was scarce.

Write to publishers that publish a "Letters To The Editor" column. Mail
order publishers always enjoy feedback and opinions about their
publication. More often than not, other people won't write a letter and
the publisher will find yours a breath of fresh air! Compliment them on
their publication (if this is true) and always offer your help and
services at any time. To make a good friend - be one yourself!

If you need help constructing a good business letter, visit your local
office bookstore and purchase a how-to book on business writing. Even some
secretarial reference manuals will provide you with samples of business
letters that you can copy word-for-word or edit and conform to your product
or service. Always be willing and eager to offer people your services. Of
course, you cannot give something away free when it will cost you money.
Instead, you need to barter with something that won't cause a financial
burden on you to supply. For instance: if you are already mailing to
people every month, it won't cost you anything to mail someone's
publication for them free of charge. If you provide writing, editing or
typesetting services; you will only be out the time it took you to complete
the job - no money will be lost.

And once you locate a good dealer that you are interested in forming a
friendship with don't be stupid and take advantage of them. Most people
will help you out in a pinch and not think anything about it, but if you
keep taking and taking - you'll lose that friend forever. Your memory will
be a bad taste in their mouth and all the time you spend building that
friendship will be lost.

If you are unable to pay someone for something they have done for you to
help you out - send them a "Thank You" card. A gift costing you only $1
will be worth $1 million to the recipient just to know you care.

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