Ten Big Secrets Of Success In Advertising

I have always considered that learning any
subject is really the learning of secrets.
Well, they aren't REALLY secrets but they are
rules that contain a main basis or subject.

Consider spelling. Toknow the rule, 'I before
E except after C' tells you how to spell more
words than learning that ceiling is spelt as
I have just spelt it.

Learning mail order is no different from
learning any other subject. Certain rules or
'secrets' will bring you more success than
experimenting your newest ideas. I am about
to outline some of the secrets which, after
many years in mail order, I have learnt about
advertising. I must point out though that
these secrets will not really be known to you
until you have actually PROVED them to be
right for yourself.

1.  One order from one small advert in a mail
order magazine is about normal. Two is good
and three is excellent. It isn't really the
number of replies that is important so much
as what to do with the replies.

2.  Never try to sell anything in a small
advert in a mail order magazine for over œ1.
Anything advertised for over œ1 will
normally (not always) receive no replies at

3.  You will rarely ever make a profit from
a small advert. It is the FOLLOW-UP that
makes the profit.

4.  Advertising something FREE will bring
most replies but asking for one or two
stamps will bring the best results. In my
experience, I have proved that this is true
no matter WHAT other articles may say.

5.  Always give more than the customer
actually expects to receive as this creates
a good position to follow up from.

6.  Try to make the wording of your advert
leave the potential customer wanting to know
more. e.g. The above title left YOU wanting
to know 'The Ten Big Secrets' - didn't it?

7.  Aim your advert to the reader. Readers
of mail order magazines are mainly mail
order dealers and NOT Opportunity Seekers
although there may well be some others.

8.  Always put a personal hand written
letter in your follow-up unless of course
your handwriting is on the down side.

9.  I have never found that MORE words mean
MORE success although more words can be used
to advertise more than one thing which can
bring in more money from the advert itself
but it does not increase the overall number
of replies.

10. Rules can be broken BUT it is a good
idea to stick to rules in the main until you
really know how to break them.

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