How To Start And Successfully Operate Your Own Correspondence Club

All over the country, in fact, all over the world, there are
lonely men and women eagerly seeking confidential introductions to
other people - for friendship, companionship, even marriage. 
They're in every village and hamlet, in every town and city, at
every crossroads and every rural outlet, in factories, shops,
offices, churches - they're everywhere!

You can help these people ease their loneliness, and make a very
good income for yourself as well, with a Correspondence Club.  If
you enjoy people, and have an imagination for the world of
business, then this is for you.

The first step is to find out what the other correspondence clubs
are doing.  Your purpose will be to design your own format, and
look for ways to improve upon what they are doing.  So, look at
the newspapers on sale in your local newsagents, and write a
letter to as many of the advertising correspondence/pen pal clubs
as you can afford.  Simply state that you are thinking of joining
a correspondence club - but you don't want to be "ripped off", so
you would appreciate a sample copy of their latest club
newsletter, and a listing of everything the Club endeavours to do
for its members.

Most of the established clubs will respond quickly, because the
very least it means to them is another address they can sell. 
Don't use business letterhead paper, or a business name.  Just
inquire as an ordinary, interested person.

Once you have your game plan organised - what you will offer your
members, the fees you'll charge and the related services or items
you want to offer as sources of added income - your next move will
be to begin advertising.  Start small, and go slowly ... this is
mainly to allow you to handle the ever-increasing number of
members while still maintaining firm control over the time
required to keep up with the business.

Your first advertisement should be in the classified columns of
the newspapers in your area.  An advertisement, such as the
following, inserted once a week for a month, shouldn't cost more
than œ25 for the month, while filling your mailbox:
Young woman, just divorced, wants to meet eligible men through
correspondence.  Tell me about yourself with SASE to:  Box no, and
your name or nickname, (most people use something like Judy, Box
1234, Anytown).

At the same time this ad is running for men to inquire about the
available girls, run an ad such as the following in about five or
six of the national mail order ad sheets ...

Young business executive - bit shy - wants to meet the right woman
through correspondence.  Will answer all letters.  Paul, Box 123,
Anytown, Anywhere.

Certainly you should vary the ads weekly, study the ads the other
clubs are running, and adapt what and how they're doing it to your
own needs.

Hopefully before you begin, and as a result of the sample
newsletters you received from all the correspondence clubs you
wrote to, you've prepared your own bulletin and can send it off in
reply to all of your enquiries, with an invitation to pay for a
membership in your club.  Another important "rung up the ladder"
you're going to get from these samples is a list of names and
addresses of both men and women seeking correspondence.  Some do
include names and addresses with their bulletins, and some don't -
either way, they all sell names to each other so you can send a
sprinkling of those names and addresses with your own, until you
become well established and with a mailing list of your own.

Important to remember - do not begin advertising until you have
your first club newsletter prepared, along with your membership
application.  Then, just as soon as you receive each inquiry - you
can send out your answer - the faster your service, the more
credibility you'll impart to your prospects.  Also, always watch
what the older, more established correspondence clubs are doing -
you'll want to duplicate their methods, but with more flair and
better service for your members.

After about three months in business, you should be pretty well
established and showing a good monthly profit.  Then you can begin
running advertising of your own in larger circulation
publications, and maybe glossy magazines, etc.

Pretty soon, you'll find yourself running a successful
correspondence club, and making plenty of œœœ's - good luck!

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