Have A Loan Which Is Guaranteed By The Government

Because the government is concerned to promote exporting
of British goods to overseas markets there is a great deal of
government sponsored finance available to the firm or
individual who wishes to sell British goods to overseas

The government runs an export credit programme which
provides insurance against political and commercial risks
involved when selling to foreign buyers and to maximise the
attractiveness of terms offered to overseas customers.

Banks are part of the infrastructure which provides finance
and expert advise for export agencies. The government
Export Credits Guarantee Department (ECGD) provides
insurance guarantees and a level of subsidy to assist in
maximising the level of goods exported from the U.K. It is in
the interest of the government, and likewise in the overall
interests of the British people, to ensure that the highest
possible amount of British goods are sold abroad to attract
wealth to our country.

With the backing of the ECGD, finance can be obtained in
many and various ways. A supplier can insure up to 95% of
his receivables with ECGD and assign the proceeds of this
insurance policy to a bank. This will enable him to obtain
finance from the bank on terms much more attractive than
would otherwise be available.

The ECGD will provide an unconditional guarantee for 100% of
the principal and interest of any loan acquired for the specific
purpose of financing an export deal. If for any reason the
exporter is not paid by the buyer, he has recourse through
his ECGD insurance policy, to receive payment, providing he
has not breached the terms of his contract.

Full details of this loan guarantee and insurance system are
available from the overseas trade departments of any major
clearing bank.

Further government guarantees on loans for business
enterprise, and even outright grants, are available in certain
areas of the country. If you wish to start up a business, which
will create jobs in an area of high unemployment there are
very attractive financial packages available.

Your local council and government economic development
bodies will let you know what is available, for what purposes,
and in which areas. Local area economic and business
development projects can be contacted through addresses in
the telephone directory or by getting in touch with your local
Chamber of Commerce.

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