Making Your Mailing Address Pay

How to turn your mailing address into a pot of
gold? As you know, the services offered by a
mailing address basically consist of receiving
mail on your behalf and then either forwarding it
to you (in a new envelope) somewhere else or
keeping it for your personal pick-up. However,
many mailing address companies offer more than
this basic service. Many of which may be used to
increase your earning power by saving you time
and trouble.

Most also offer to receive faxes and phone
messages for you, either on their own phone
numbers or on a line installed specially for your
use. In the case of the latter you will have to
pay the phone installation and service charges
but it may be worth it depending on your
situation. Many services also accept that their
address is used when incorporating a company,
with the mail drop acting as "registered office".
In some jurisdictions this may require various
forms to be filled out with proof of the identity
of corporate directors and officers.

You should understand that people operating your
mail drop are in it only for the money, which is
the way it should be. It is to the best interests
of the operator of the mail drop that clients are
kept happy and their demands and wishes are
catered for. Many mail drops actively encourage
their clients to use them not only for mail, fax
and phone message reception but also for
secretarial services such as typing, translation,
incorporating companies and even errands. You
should, of course, be prepared to pay the
standard hourly fee for any services you require
that are above and beyond the basic services for
which you have contracted. It may be a bargain.
You should never be afraid to ask the mail drop
to get you information about services you may
need, to buy products for you, or do small
errands as long as you are prepared to pay for
their time. If you make it very clear and plain
that you are willing to pay for it and that you
are not just trying to obtain a "freebie service"
or a "friendly favour" then you may easily talk
your mail drop operator into doing research work
for you or to ship out your products or
information brochures. If you are looking for a
product you cannot obtain in your own country,
ask your foreign mail drop to get it for you.
Needless to say, you should make sure that there
are sufficient funds in your account to cover the
costs of such services. Simply stick a banknote
of the proper denomination in a letter and send
it to your mail drop, thanking them in advance
for their services.

Do not expect to get credit from your mail drop.
It is customary that all fees are paid in
advance. It works to prevent apprehension about
you skipping out on a large bill - something that
will certainly make the forwarding of your mail
grind to a sudden halt.

Remailing: a service that is in great demand by
people not wishing to give away in which country
they actually live is remailing. Remailing means
that you address letters, then stuff them in a
large envelope and send it to the operator of
your mail drop with instructions that the letters
be stamped locally and mailed from the area where
the mail drop is located, rather than from the
area in which you live. In this fashion, the
letters are stamped and postmarked in the city,
country, continent, in which you wish the letters
to "originate". Say that you have decided to move
to southern Spain but do not wish to be bothered
by annoying relatives or creditors. You establish
a mail drop in London from whence your mail is
discreetly forwarded to Spain. But since you may
still need to write to people, it would be a
give-away if all letters from you arrive bearing
Spanish stamps and postmarks. In this case, you
would simply send all your outgoing
correspondence to London with the instructions
that the letters be stamped and stuffed into any
London post box. Now, those on the receiving end
will take one look at the envelope and think that
he or she really is in London.

We know of one service in Singapore which will do
remailing for anyone, even non-clients. This
service does not ask any questions or keep any
files. Need a letter mailed from Singapore? He
will send your 10 gram or less letter airmail to
anywhere in the world. Just put your letter in a
sealed, addressed envelope, put the letter into
another envelope with US 3 dollars cash or
equivalent in any currency or by money order to:
E.W. Special Services, P.O. Box 1341, Raffles
City, Singapore 9117.

Other privacy considerations: do not shoot
yourself in the foot. If you fear that the taxman
is about to get up close any day now, do not
reach for the phone in your home or office to
contact your mail drop. If you are facing a
personal bankruptcy and want to make use of the
services of a mail drop for mail that you do not
wish to pass through the hands of the receiver,
remember that your phone records may be
subpoenaed later. This may give away the fact
that you have acted to receive certain mail in a
"clandestine way".

Finally, large international hotels will
generally receive and hold mail marked "please
hold for arriving guest" if you notify the hotel
ahead of time. This method is only viable for a
very limited amount at each hotel. The safest
form of security is no mail, no messages, no
communication. If someone is seriously out to
kill you or jail you the only 100% secure way is:
break all ties with your past, especially
relatives and friends; discontinue all activities
you were identified with; use only public phones.

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