Hiding your money away from your enemies

The first thing to realize about a "secret account" sometimes
referred to by the euphemism "offshore account" is that in
order to be kept secret from your potential enemies
(creditors and tax collectors) it must be kept secret from
everyone. Generally speaking, a stranger you meet at a bar
isn't the person who turns you in to a tax collector or
otherwise blows the whistle on you. Besides Big Brother,
your potential enemies include your spouse, lover(s), your
business associates or partners, your own kids. These days,
you must add to the list of potential informants against you,
your accountant or lawyer. Your accountant, lawyer,
stockbroker or local banker in many jurisdictions, particularly
the USA, is personally liable for criminal prosecution if he has
knowledge of any concealment of assets, tax frauds etc; if
your own hired hands don't turn you in they may be
breaking the law.

New regulations make these professionals in your home
country little more than government agents. They are like
deputy sheriffs. If you don't want sheriff Big Brother to know
exactly what you are doing then for heaven's sake don't tell
the deputy sheriffs. These professionals are not on your side.
Because of laws that will take away their licenses, livelihood
and possibly their freedom, they have been co-opted. They
are now in the enemy camp. As such, accountants and
lawyers are the last persons you should trust with sensitive
information or from whom to seek advise on "offshore
matters". Bottom line? You must now establish your secret
offshore accounts or secret asset stashes without telling
anyone in your home country, and especially without telling
anyone in the above categories.

The second thing to realize is that in most countries of the
first world, where the vast majority of readers live, every
citizen is forced to have and use a fiscal identification
number. Not using this number or giving a false number is
usually an offense in itself. Countries not having such a
system are contemplating it. Only recently have Spain and
Australia adopted the policy of requiring a fiscal ID number
for everyone. In Spain, even tourists who want a telephone,
electric service or a local bank account must obtain a fiscal
number. In the USA, it's now a major felony crime to use the
wrong number by mistake (accidently on purpose),
transpose figures or otherwise attempt to defeat the system.
In case you had any doubt, there is no such thing as financial
privacy in most of our own countries any more. The unique
number assigned to you alone enables the government or a
creditor to identify and seize any asset in the jurisdiction
belonging to you, even if it is deposited in a variant of your
name. In the UK, we do not have a system like this, but what
is in the pipe line?

If you want any protection at all against arbitrary seizure, any
"secret" account must be in a foreign country where you
neither live, do business, have a home, nor have any other
connection, property or business interests, aside from the
account itself. This assures that the government in the country
where your bank account or other assets are deposited has
no tax or other claims against you.

Your address, as known to the foreign bank should not be
your home address, but rather a mail drop in a third country.
This third country is preferably a banking and tax haven
unlikely ever to have any information-exchanging treaty or
mutual assistance on collections treaty with the country where
you bank or where you live. There is always the possibility
that a foreign country with no prior tradition of co-operating
with the enemy will adopt a new policy. If you have the
insulation of three countries you are safer: A) Passport
country. B) Maildrop country of presumed residence C)
Banking country. All these plus a new name give plenty of

Your new account must not be established with funds
transferred directly from any bank or source in your home
country that is traceable to you. In other words, if you want
something to be a secret, don't leave a paper trail. Above all,
your new account, if it is to be a secret, should be known
only to yourself and your new banker. You must not ever
keep paperwork, statements, nor even the name and address
or telephone number of your secret offshore bank written
down or on your person. How do you remember it? The
information must be in a code that is not obvious and easily
broken. Mirror writing, or writing backwards is so obvious
even a child could decode it. Information should definitely
not be kept in a safety deposit box in your home country.
Such boxes can be easily opened by a creditor or tax
collector without your authorization. A box in a foreign
country, especially if it is kept in a different name is secure, if
you don't identify it for your potential enemies

Your new account itself, for extra safety, should not be in
your own name. Your new bankers should not know your real
country of origin (birth), citizenship, residence, nor anything
about you to enable them to link you with your true identity
and citizenship. One possibility for buffering or insulation, is
to use a "banking passport" or other alternate identity
documents in order to be able to establish and access funds
in a totally unrelated name. Another possibility (less good if
the entity is linked to you), is to use a corporation, trust,
holding company or foundation to screen your identity.
Perhaps the most secure is a combination of both. If a bank
account is held in the name of the XYZ Foundation, and the
signer is Joe Doaks (not you), you have created a three tier
impenetrable situation for creditors or tax collectors.
Needless to say, all is lost if you open your big mouth and
tell a potential informant (like your business partner, wife, or
best friend) about your clever method of concealing your

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