How and why to avoid using cheques

Whereas cash is virtually untraceable, cheques
provide investigating authorities with perhaps
the most complete set of opportunities for
finding out who paid what to whom, when - and by
asking around, perhaps also why.

Both the face and the back of any cleared cheque
is stored for posterity on microfilm, giving away
the following information to those who may care
to look: name and location of issuing bank,
account number on which cheque was drawn, issuing
date, amount, to whom the cheque was made out to,
and a nice copy of the signature of the account

The back of the cheque will likewise show the
signature of whoever cashed or deposited the
cheque plus, if applicable, the signature of the
original recipient who later endorsed it and,
lastly either number of the ID (passport, driving
license) used to cash the cheque or the number of
the account to which the cheque was deposited.

Now isn't that nice - if you write a cheque on an
account later established to be owned by you, not
only may any remaining funds in the account be
seized, liened or attached but microfilm copies
of all cheques ever drawn on the account may be
easily procured and investigated.

That is why, if you do not want anyone to know
where you live, you should never use a cheque to
pay your rent - not even once. If the account is
ever discovered to be connected to you then the
police, tax authorities or private investigator
will have a direct lead to your landlord and,
                                                       through him, to your physical whereabouts.
                                                       Reversely, anyone receiving a cheque from you may
                                                       opt to make a photocopy of it before depositing
                                                       it and will in this fashion retain information
                                                       about your bank account. If you use a cheque to
                                                       make the first few instalments on, say, rent or a
                                                       loan that you later fail to keep up, the clever
                                                       creditor or landlord will be in a position to
                                                       furnish a court with all the information that is
                                                       necessary to freeze ot seize your account and
                                                       everything in it. If you pay your maildrop by
                                                       cheque, you have totally blown your cover.
                                                       To further elaborate on the problems this may
                                                       cause you, suppose you are in another country and
                                                       pay something by a cheque drawn on an account
                                                       which, unbeknown to you, has been frozen in your
                                                       absence. As a foreigner, you will most likely
                                                       have to show your passport for the cheque to be
                                                       accepted and your passport number will be noted
                                                       on the back. When the cheque later turns out to
                                                       be bad, the person on the receiving end of the
                                                       bad cheque will be in a position to give local
                                                       authorities your passport number - which may
                                                       result in your being apprehended at the airport
                                                       the next time you either enter or leave the
                                                       country (the latter provided that computer checks
                                                       are made of passport numbers on departing that
                                                       Now, you may not wish to live without cheques
                                                       although it is perfectly possible and much safer.
                                                       But take all relevant precautions. You should
                                                       fully realise that whenever you write a cheque,
                                                       you implicitly give anyone in a position to
                                                       investigate either your own account or that
                                                       belonging to the recipient of the cheque, a
                                                       veritable carte blanche to persue the connection
                                                       between you and him very thoroughly. The worst
                                                       part of it is that it may not even be you
                                                       yourself who needs to make a mistake - someone
else may make the mistake for you, opening a
Pandora's box of grief for you. Let us say that
you paid a solicitor for services rendered - by
cheque. Unfortunately, the solicitor turns out to
be crooked and in cahoots with parts of the
underworld. Investigators poring over his
financial records and bank accounts notice that
you made a payment to their suspect. This, in
turn, may lead to your phone being tapped and
your mail intercepted and examined to see if you
too are connected to the underworld. Have you
anything to hide?

On the other hand, you may still use cheques to
move money from A to B without a record of use to
anyone being created by this. One example is that
you move money into a secret, offshore bank
account a lot easier than going there in person
by sending cheques to your bank - as long as you
use Cashiers Cheques that you have obtained
without disclosing your identity or presenting
any ID whatsoever.

Travelers cheques would also be useful if you
were eventually paying them into an offshore
account of your own: check out whether you have
to sign them in front of the cashier at the point
of purchase. Failing that, the good old fashioned
postal order; find out the latest maximum value
of the highest order, bought without ID and
acceptable paid into your offshore bank account.
Check it out.

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