Self-Publishing: A Genius Money-Making Idea

For a lot of people, publishing a book may look like it costs lots of money.
For example, on a short-run press, this book costs around $2.10 to print. 

For the uninitiated, self-publishing is one of the easiest ways to make money
in the world. Of course, it requires some talent, but they are easy to learn.

Take a look:
1.  Choose a subject to write about. Select something you enjoy or want to
    know more about yourself. As just an example, we'll use "Household Hints"
2.  Now, to collect the information to put in my book about "household hints"
    I would go visit my mother, talk to my aunts and cousins, call friends on
    the phone, and in general _ ask everybody I came into contact with to
    give me their favorite "household hint." After a few months I'd have a
    lot of stuff.

3.  At this point I would start categorizing all this information. I'd put
    all the stuff about "kitchen tips" in a separate file from "home remedies".
    Each separate file would be a new chapter in my book.

4.  Then I'd begin typing out my book on a computer or typewriter. If I were
    to type the book myself, I would simply number each tip as 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
    with a heading for each tip.

5.  Okay. Now the book is ready to print. You've read everything and there
    are no misspelled words or obvious grammar mistakes. You are ready to
    see the final result of your labors. How much will it cost? Let's assume
    that my "household hints" book is going to measure 5" wide by 8" tall
    (like a sheet of 8 1/2x11" paper folded in half.) There are 2 pages on
    each side or 4 pages front and back. These are the best size for mail
    order unless you write a 100-page novel.
    My "Household Hints" book would be a total of 24 pages. That means
    it will take both sides of 6 sheets of 8 1/2x11" paper to print each
    one of my books. That includes the cover and everything.

    Based on standard mail order prices, you could have 250 of these books
    printed for $109 or about 44c each. 1,000 would run even less _ $200 or
    about 20c each. That's cheap! Even if I sell each one for just $3,
    I'll make over $500 profit.

    Another method of saving money with printing of booklets is to have
    the mail order printer print them at the same price you would pay for
    8 1/2x11", 2-sided printing (around $25 per 1,000) without having them
    collated, folded and stapled. This way, your cost would only be a total
    of $150 per 1,000 or 15c per booklet.
    This method is great if you want to do some of the work yourself.
    Your only expense would be a saddle stitcher from an office supply
    store. This is a long-armed stapler and the cost is around $45.
    Of course you would not want to make this investment if you were only
    going to be publishing one book per year _ but if you plan to go into
    heavy production, it would be worth your while. I personally don't care
    to do this myself because I'm saving tons of money. I'll get paid in the
    long run for my time.

6.  Now, the only thing left to do to make my book a success is to sell them
    and make some money back. One idea would be to call all the people who
    gave me the information for the book. I'd put a price tag of $5 on the
    cover and offer it to my friends and co-workers at a discount of
    $3 or $2. Everyone whose name or contribution is in a published book
    will want a copy for a keepsake _ at least.
It's not that hard to create your own money-maker. There's no hidden secret
to it. You don't have to pay $29.95 for the same information. We're GIVING
it to you free of charge.

Every single human being has a book inside of them! Everybody knows
something that other people don't and everybody has interests that other
people don't have the time to learn about. There is a subject that interests
you that would interest others. Guaranteed!

So, get busy. Pick a subject, gather the information and type it up! You'll
be a hero before you know it. Neighbors will begin to label you as a
notorious writer. You'll be able to hold your head high, and you'll be
able to start putting ",Writer" at the end of your name on your business
letters. Won't that be something?

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