Handy Profits Home Typing


For those who can turn out neat and accurate typing
within set deadlines, a regular and often very high
income awaits them. This might not be a business with any
place in the 'get rich quick' category, but certainly it
will provide extra cash for family commitments, and for
offsetting the burdens of unpredictable, but generally
rising interest and inflation rates.

Running a freelance typing service can also be an ideal
business opportunity for those who must of necessity
spend most of their time within the home environment.  We
find this business extremely popular with young mothers,
the disabled, even 'failed' or 'discouraged' writers, who
nevertheless have equipped themselves with the typing
skills their chosen profession would have benefitted

A business such as this takes time to build up in terms
of clientele, and your own reputation for good, efficient
work, and ability to meet customers' deadlines.  You
might in the very early days consider the whole thing
anything but worthwhile; perhaps you are spending more on
advertising than you are recouping in custom.  Keep at it
though, for all businesses demanding so heavily on
advertising, need time for what's on offer to filter
through to the ultimate customer, often from the shop
floor of a large corporation through to the upper
echelons of its management structure.

Regular advertising leads to a faith in your ability to
produce the goods.  You are, as yet, a faceless quantity,
and one that can vanish as easily as it appeared if your
work is unsatisfactory.  But someone whose service has
been advertised for some time, gains a position of trust
in the minds of those you are seeking to attract.  One
hit wonders, and those who can't stand the pace, are
unlikely to meet often tight deadlines most businesses
work to.  Gain their trust and you will also find
yourself the recipient of regular custom.   Repeat
custom, and word of mouth advertising from satisfied
customers, could find your business growing to full-time
status, perhaps even needing you to subcontract work to
other efficient sources, or even to employ adequate
emergency staff yourself.  You might find yourself
advertising your services, not to attract new custom, but
merely to keep your name in the limelight.

First impressions are extremely important and we will
discuss later the need to maintain a professional image
in your advertising and public relations in general.

WHAT EQUIPMENT WILL I NEED? Naturally, you wouldn't start
a venture such as this without the physical ability to
produce good type.  You need not of course be highly
qualified to offer such a service; you might not need
qualifications at all; some of the best typists are
self-taught.  I have known some in this category who
could batter the highly qualified ones into submission
when their accuracy, presentation, speed and professional
abilities are put to the test.  Don't offer what you
can't deliver though.  If you are accurate, but your
speed requires improving, don't offer to deliver a huge
report when you know full well your speed will need to be
boosted to such a degree that your accuracy will suffer. 
Wait until you can produce work at the speed such work
necessitates before you make such promises.  At the very
best you'll be paid, but you'll almost certainly lose the
customer concerned, and suffer adverse word-of-mouth
publicity at his next meeting with counterparts in the
business world.  Don't bite off more than you can chew.

As to the gadgetry you will need, there are many types of
typewriter on the market, from the humble manual, to the
electric version, and on to that most wonderful
invention, the word processor.  Which you choose will
depend largely upon finance available and will no doubt
be influenced by what equipment you have thus far been
familiar with.  Each has its advantages, though for the
manual typewriter, I am at a loss to find more than its
need for a cheap energy supply emanating  from typists'
tired fingers.  Energy of the electrical variety leads to
a better, more even type of standard-density print, and
requires less effort on the part of the user.  Sorry, but
today, unless you can prove to the contrary, I think it
fair to say that the manual has long since outlived its

An electric typewriter will not set you back a great
deal, and purchasing one is something you should
seriously consider, if your work is to be of a
consistently high standard.  Equipment necessary to the
running of a business can be set against your Income Tax
liabilities, so contact your local I. R. office for

But, if you really want to create a stir in your new
business venture, you can almost forget the word 'typing'
altogether, and enter the highly respected world of 'word
processing'.  Little more than a computerised typewriter,
the word processor renders typist correction fluid a
thing of the past, and dirty carbon residue need never
again soil your hands, or the precious newly-typed
documents they come into contact with.

At first, the thought of using a word processor
frightened me rigid, but within weeks I was using it like
an expert -  well I was using it to a standard sufficient
for my needs.  I need no photocopier or carbon, since the
machine's memory banks stores my work for as long as I
wish, and allows me to churn out copies of past work at
the touch of a button or two.  My work is now almost
error-free; any that remain are due to my own lack of
observation, since errors can be rectified before the
document ever appears on paper.  Your typing appears on a
computer screen and mistakes can be corrected
immediately.  Additional software allows your spelling to
be checked by the machine, thereby ending one of the
great problems of many a would-be perfectly accurate
typist, or now word processor operator.  All of these
benefits of the word processor can lead to a doubling or
even trebling of your output.  Never again need you start
afresh on a document that fails to come up to standard. 
The machine will adjust layouts for you, alter typefaces,
remove errors, change spacing, etc. etc. etc.  Remember
too, you are effectively able to offer the customer
something of a back-up filing system, merely because his
work will remain on your discs, if necessary and
convenient to both parties.  Advertising your service as
one of 'word processing' instead of 'typing' can also
create a more professional image, thereby leading to
greater customer interest.


There are several ways by which you can bring yourself to
the attention of potential customers, but remember that
you are offering something of an 'artistic' service and
your first communication must be one of professional
appearance.  A tatty business card in the local fish and
chip shop window will lead the reader to wonder if your
typing will be prone to a similarly ill-thought out

Your business cards are perhaps the most important
stationery you will need.  Have them prepared by a
respectable printer.  Perhaps have a subtle logo or
design incorporated onto the card that will immediately
register yours as a typing or word processing service. 
But subtle remember - don't have half of an already small
space given over to a huge cartoon typist at her desk. 
Try not to use the flashy gold/black ones some find so
attractive; plain white will suffice.  You don't after
all, use gold-toned paper in your work, do you?

Take your business cards with you everywhere.  Nothing
looks worse than a hastily scribbled telephone number on
a tatty piece of scrap paper, when a potential customer's
interest is aroused.  That would likely be the last
you'll see of him or her, since subconsciously that
person will convince him or herself that your work is
likely to be of a similarly unprofessional nature.

Business  cards  are  not  however  limited  to
personal delivery.  They can be left in any suitable
place where those requiring your services are likely to
congregate.  I recently saw a batch of cards in respect
of a word-processing service, neatly displayed on the
counter at our local photographic centre.  I have also
seen them built into the covers of home-videos.  Well,
not only the kids need the relaxation offered by the box!
I thought that advertising method was ingenious.  The
originator got my custom until my own word processor was
installed for home use.

Your card can be pinned in many places where custom might
be attracted: business clubs, job centres (for those
offering to type curriculum vitae and job application
forms), in youth clubs and on college notice boards
(students need their theses typing to a professional
standard), etc.

You can also have postcards printed to advertise your
business, and A5 size handbills are invaluable for
popping through the letterboxes of businesses, both old
and new.  Deliver them before the summer holidays begin
and you might find yourself inundated with work that
would normally have gone to agency 'temps' when staff
shortages necessitate an additional pair of hands.  You
might even address a letter to the Company managing
directors to inform them of your services, at holiday
times, and when other factors cause staff shortages. 
Such an approach shows initiative - something usually
much admired in today's fast moving business world.

You can, if your capabilities and other commitments
allow, offer an emergency service, with collection and
subsequent delivery of documentation.  But never put
another client's work to one side for the attraction of
higher fees, unless you are already ahead of any
pre-determined deadlines for that other customer.  In
gaining the gratitude of one, you may lose the repeat
custom of another!

Your postcard advertisements can be placed in suitable
shop windows, perhaps in larger stores and post offices,
which we all need to use at some time.  Don't disregard
the little corner shops though.  You are unlikely to get
big business deals from them, but you might attract
students, small businesspeople, club secretaries, and
such.  Since such an advertising method is usually
extremely cheap you should consider it a worthwhile
investment however little custom it attracts, unless that
'little' is zero of course!

Don't be tempted to type these postcard advertisements
just to save a little cash.  Remember the 'first
impressions' rule and have them properly printed.  You'll
save time to concentrate on the business your
professionally prepared  advertisements will generate. 
Again, with the printed variety, you can have an
attention-grabbing but subtle design incorporated, that
will inform the public of what service you offer, long
before they have read the text hidden amongst many other
advertisements housed in the window.

as your business grows, find yourself serving customers
large and small.  Some will want a one-off small item
typed, and you might never see that customer again. 
Others might be in need of a regular service but for a
very small workload on each occasion.  At the other end
of the scale you might be offered one enormous job by a
business whose secretary has taken her one and only
period of sickness leave - yes such people do exist!
That same business might be so impressed with your work,
that its management later decides to sub-contract to you,
the entire workload of another employee who subsequently
leaves the workforce.

Never underestimate the importance of the smallest of
jobs you are offered.  Those 'bread and butter' pieces
might not seem significant at the time, but a satisfied
customer of whatever size is an added avenue for your
much-needed ongoing advertising campaign.  Word-of-mouth,

Local papers

Local newspapers and freesheets are excellent ways in
which to advertise your services.  The same people who
place their advertisements in these publications, are in
all probability likely to need your services at some
time.  Temporary Secretarial Agencies are expensive
propositions; once the middle man is cut out, your
business becomes a much more inviting financial
proposition to businesses large and small, almost all
suffering under the weight of high running costs.

Advertise in the Classified section until you are able to
withstand the higher charges of individual custom-made

Business Enterprise and Self Help Groups Many groups
exist, some under Government auspices, others created by
men and women themselves for the promotion of their
business interests.  You will find entire buildings
devoted to small workshops and retail outlets, the
businessmen themselves often working under Enterprise
Allowance schemes.  Other buildings are sub-divided into
units, by groups of private individuals for their own
use, or else for sub-letting to other, smaller concerns. 
Craft shops flourish in such environments, as do antique
shops, printing establishments, bookshops, and so on. 
Almost all such entrepreneurs at some time will have need
of a typing facility, and you should therefore advertise
your business by distributing individual handbills, or
having a postcard advertisement placed on any communal
noticeboard that might exist.

Businessmen, for the needs of exchanging information,
often form local groups that meet on a regular basis. 
Why not have your own business included in their topics
of conversation of mutual interest?  Send your
advertising literature to the chairman or central
organiser of the group, as well as having suitable
information placed on the notice board of the premises in
which the meetings are held.

Always be on the look-out for the many groups of this
type that exist, and make sure you are the first typing
agency to get that all-important foot in the door.

Job centres and colleges

Wherever students congregate, whether for educational or
social needs, you have a large and ready made market for
your skills.  Students, not all of whose curriculum
includes typing lessons, require their theses to be
presented in a manner that will create a good impression
for the assessment body which will grade the work

In colleges and Job centres you will also find one of
your largest and regular sources of business, in the
constant need for newcomers to the jobmarket to have
their curriculum vitae (C.V.) and application forms
neatly prepared if they are to stand much chance of
entering the world of work, which let's face it is now a
highly competitive arena.

Obtain permission to have your advertisement placed on
suitable notice boards, and register the services you
provide with the appropriate personnel.

Many colleges and universities have student magazines
which again would provide an invaluable advertising

Specialist publications

Many specialist publications cater for people whose
businesses are largely dependent upon mail order. 
Bookdealers, stamp dealers, ephemera specialists, dealers
in a vast range of products, have regular lists of offers
prepared, often monthly, for distribution to customers
old and new.  Their entrepreneurial talents do  not
always extend to the typing of a document that much look
as professional as the service they offer.  They must
discover some means by which the saleslist is prepared on
their behalf.

Advertise your services in Book Trade publications, Stamp
dealer and collector magazines, 'Exchange & Mart', 'The
Trader, and many other such publications.  Browse round a
large newsagents to familiarise yourself with likely
advertising media.

Writers, of which there are thousands in this country
alone, often need someone to transform their notes into a
professionally typed manuscript suitable for the eyes of
busy editors and publishing executives.  Many writers
will have acquired the necessary skills, but a great many
more will not, perhaps have no interest in doing so,
particularly if their work is in great demand from a very
high paying market.  Again advertise your business in the
many specialist publications for writers and via the
chairperson of local writers' groups.  Your library
should be able to assist you with details of local
groups.  A glance at the 'Writers' and Artists' Yearbook'
will provide you with details of some of the many
publications writers obtain, usually on a subscription

Anywhere potential customers congregate Here could be the
largest marketing opportunity of all.  Most people
however busy, find recreation and leisure facilities an
essential part of their lives.  Whether it is the local
pub, or the Sports centre of small villages or massive
cities, an ideal opportunity presents itself for you to
reach hundreds of potential customers.   Ask if you can
have your card or advertisement displayed prominently on
noticeboards, or even on bar counters, in the better
establishments of course - you don't want to soil your
business reputation by having a pile of your cards end up
as missiles in the regular Saturday brawls of
yobbo-infested watering holes.  Sorry about that, but
remember the 'first impressions' rule, and I'm sure
you'll get the point I'm trying to make.

You could even offer to type certain items free of charge
in exchange for publicity for your business.  College
magazines, club newsletters, and church bulletins, all
lend themselves well to such a prospect, if their
readership is adequate to compensate for the loss of
profits you will incur whilst doing this unpaid work.  If
the readership is small, forget it, unless of course the
item being typed is of minimal proportions too, in which
case you might include such a public-spirited gesture in
your overall business strategies.  Ensure also that your
advertisement or acknowledgement will adequately describe
the services offered by the person responsible for
producing the final document.  An honourable mention in
itself is insufficient, but one which states that the
typist is from 'X firm and can be contacted for all your
typing requirements' is ideal.  Remember, 'one favour for

New and expanding businesses

As soon as you are aware of a new business coming to your
area, or one that is opening additional premises, have
your advertisement delivered through its door.  You might
discover many people, who otherwise would seek to recruit
full-time or part-time staff, will gladly relinquish the
responsibilities of employer status, in favour of a
freelance service which after all will involve payment

only for the hours any particular job entails.  Gone will
be those empty hours, employees sitting by their
typewriters, and wages bills mounting all the while.

Restaurants, hairdressers, taxi firms, and all businesses
issuing price lists, etc. Many businesses have need for
revised price lists and information bulletins, either for
the windows of their business premises or for delivery to
potential clients.  Remember to include these in your
advertising plans.


Many typing agencies seek to offer other services, and to
extremely good effect.  Hairdressers, for example, might
jump at the chance of having the documents you produce
delivered to homes in the locality.  Whether you do the
job yourself is entirely for you to decide, but it takes
the burden from them, and might tip the balance in your
favour when deciding where the initial job of preparing
the handbills should be offered.

Busy businesses would no doubt appreciate a typing agency
which offers to collect work to be undertaken and deliver
the final product.  A same-day typing service might
similarly gain you the edge where you are in competition
with other typing agencies.

Remember always the importance of good work, neatly and
accurately presented, checked for spelling and typing
errors, delivered in strong protective packages, and just
as importantly, on time.  To deliver an item in respect
of a job assigned to you during an employee's absence, at
such a time as that employee now returned to work could
produce it, is totally useless, unless of course you were
not made aware of the circumstances.  NEVER make promises
you can't fulfil, for profits your simply can't refuse. 
One rash promise will find you losing a great deal of
custom in the future.

Maintain a professional and businesslike attitude
throughout and you will not go far wrong, if you go wrong
at all.  There is great scope for a good typing agency. 
Don't miss your chance!    GOOD LUCK!

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