Reorganise Your Time To Have A Home Based Business

Almost everyone needs or wants more money coming in, and with this
desire most would like to start some sort of extra income
producing project.

The trouble is, not many of these people seem able to fit "a
second job" into their time schedules.

It's true that most people are busy, but extra time for some sort
of home-based extra income producing project can almost always be

It may mean giving up or changing a few of your favourite pastimes
- such as having a couple of beers with the guys or watching TV -
but if you score big with your extra income project, you will have
all the time you want for doing whatever you'd want to do.

The first thing to do is sit down with pencil and paper and list
your daily schedule.

What time do you wake up?  Then step-by-step, list everything you
do each day.

Most people will find that they have about three hours each day
that can be utilised in a more constructive or efficient manner.

As we've noted above, you may have to give up the time you waste
in your local pub or a few television programmes you watch, but it
will be worth it in the long run.

Efficient time management boils down to planning what you're going
to do, and then doing it without backtracking.

Start by making a list of the things you want to do tomorrow, each
evening before you go to bed.  Schedule your trips to the shops or
wherever to coincide with the other things you have to do, and
with your trips to or from work.

Organise your trips to take care of as many things as possible
while you're out of the house.  Take stock of the time you spend
standing around - especially the time you spend on the telephone -
and eliminate all that isn't necessary.

Whatever chores you have to do at home, set aside a specific time
to do them, and a specific amount of time to devote to them.

For instance, just one hour a day devoted to house repair work
would probably make your property the envy of all your neighbours.

Don't try to do a week's work in one big flurry.

Whether it's painting your house, fixing leaky sinks, or mowing
your lawn and trimming your shrubs, do a part of it, or one
particular job each day, and you'll be amazed at your progress.

Take care of all your post the day you receive it.

Don't let those bills and letters pile up for you.  If you're
unable to pay a bill immediately, file it in a special place
that's visible, and note on the envelope the date you intend to
pay it.

Answer your letters the same day you get them.

The important thing is to think of time as your most valuable
asset, because it is!

So organise!

Decide what you have to do, and what you want to do.

From there, it's just a matter of arranging priorities.

Once you start organising and planning what you want to do, an
then carry out your plans, you'll find plenty of "extra time" for
handling virtually any kind of home-based income-producing

People in general may not like routines or schedules, but without
some sort of plan as to what is supposed to be done, the world
would be in mad confusion.

Laws, rules and regulations are for the purpose of guiding people. 
We live according to an accepted plan or way of life, and the
better we can organise ourselves, the more productive and happy we

The secret of all financially successful people is simply that
they are organised and do not waste time.

Think about it.

Review your own activities, and then see if you can't find a
couple of extra hours in each day for more constructive

When you begin planning, and then when you really become involved
in an extra income producing endeavour, you should work it exactly
as you have organised your regular day to day activities - on a
time efficient basis.

Do what has to be done immediately.  Don't try to get done in an
hour something that's realistically going to take a week.

Plan out on paper what you have to do, what you want to do, and
when you are going to do it.  Then get right onto each project
without procrastination.

Set up your file system with your final plan in mind, and you'll
save a lot of time as well as frustration.

Get the kind of file folders that hang from the sides of the file
cabinet's drawers, allowing you to position the file folder title
anywhere across the top of the folder.

Then as you add clients to your file, you can keep them in
alphabetical order without having a jumbled looking file drawer in
which you have to search for each title.

It's also a good idea to keep your active accounts in one drawer,
your "hoped for" accounts in another, and master copies of all
your letters, proposals, business contact information and records
in still another drawer.

You'll also need business cards.

Your nearest quick print shop can usually order these and help you
in selecting wording and design.

Whether to rent, lease, or buy a copy machine is up to you, but
virtually no business can get by without file copies.

Carbon paper means a loss of efficiency, and running over to the
corner shop to get copies is going to cost you time and money, so
be sure to fit some sort of copier into your business start up

If impossible at first, use the old carbon paper - you must have a
copy for your file.

Just how good a typist you are, how well you can write sales
letters, and how busy you want to be, should be the deciding
factors about the typewriter.

If you type at all - and there will always be at least a few
letters that you should type personally - I suggest you go for the
long haul possibilities and rent, lease or buy the best and most
modern typewriter or word processor that you can afford.

Later on, when you move to a "dream" office, that will be one less
piece of equipment you have to be concerned about.

Once you've decided what area of business consulting you want to
be in, and have your office or working space set up, the next
thing is to let people know you're available for work.

Definitely use some common sense and applied knowledge before
spending any money on advertising.

Generally speaking, you will pick up some customers, regardless of
the problem area you specialise in, by advertising in your areas
most popular newspaper.

Finally, and above all else, when you're organising your time and
business, be sure to set aside some time for relaxation.

Be sure to schedule time when you and your spouse can be together.
You must not involve yourself in anything to an extent that you
exclude other people, particularly your loved ones from your life.

Taking stock of the time you waste each day, and from there,
reorganising your activities is what it's all about.

It's a matter of becoming more efficient in the use of your time. 
It is really easy to do, and you will not only accomplish a lot
more, you will also find greater fulfilment in your life.

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