Forty Fabulous Fortune Boosters


HOW TO..............


Vast profits are made selling toys, dolls, trains, books,
pottery, stamps, curios, even junk, at fleamarkets and
collectors' fairs.  Since the same dealers turn up week
after week there must be a good liv ing to be made here,
and still there is room for newcomers, particularly if
they can offer something a little different.  A stall at
suitable venues is extremely easy to arrange.   Either
telephone the organiser to reserve a stall on a
particular occ asion, or much more preferably, visit one
of their venues as a customer yourself to gain

2  STAMP DEALING  (Without capital or experience)

At Stamp Fairs and Collectors' Fairs, dealers carry in
their huge boxes of unsorted stamps for eager collectors
to rummage through. 'All stamps 2p each' the signs say,
and business is brisk.  Stamps in bulk are very easily
obtained as a browse through any specialist stamp
collectors' publication will reveal.  Stock can be
offered for sale on approval, as again a browse through
such magazines will prove.  Another opportunity lies in
the 'packeti ng' of stamps for sale to other dealers, or
for fixing to display boards for sale in local shops.


Car boot sales offer a good income to those prepared to
investigate suitable venues and to offer reasonable stock
at realistic prices.  Stall fees are cheap in comparison
to those for fleamarkets and collectors' fairs.  Stock is
unbelievably easy to acquire, whether from your own
garage or the attics of friends and relatives, from
jumble sales or other car boot traders, charity shops,
and private sales in the Classified pages of the local


Books can be sold face-to-face with the buyer, perhaps at
car boot sales, fleamarkets, collectors' or book fairs,
through the post by means of a list, or on approval to
selected customers. You can acquire all the stock you
need by means of regular and early visits to car boot
sales, jumble sales, collectors' fairs and auctions.


The book-keepers' skills are highly valued amongst small
small traders and businessmen and women, particularly
with accountants charging high rates for a similar
service.  You will be in great demand, either on a
temporary basis as the Tax Year draws to a close, or on a
permanent part-time basis, thereby alleviating the need
for businesses to employ their own staff.


Whether they choose to write readers' letters and
fillers, articles or short stories, a good living awaits
those who are tuned into meeting the requirements of the
various editors and publishers.  The market for articles
is much greater than that for short stories and usually
means a more regular acceptance rate.  Seeking further to
satisfy the lesser known and lower paying markets will
also lower potential rejection rates, as you break your
way into this highly lucrative area.


A curriculum vitae consists simply of the biographical
details, both personal and career-related, of persons
wishing to change jobs or seek advancement, training, and
virtually any other change within their working live s,
which necessitates them giving interviewers, employers,
and college heads, sufficient details to make a full and
accurate assessment of the candidate.  The person who
enters this lucrative business must must of necessity
possess two things: an ability to put his or her
customers at ease whilst personal details are elicited as
fully and accurately as possible, and, access to a good
typewriter or preferably one of the most ingenious and
invaluable inventions of our time, a word processor.

In Government records, Parish registers, graveyards, and
in many other places, are segments of information, which
when located and pieced together, offer an extremely
accurate and interesting profile of one's family history. 
But a problem presents itself which precludes many a man
or woman from researching his or her family history -
TIME!  Time in many of our lives is an extremely valuable
commodity, and other demands allow insufficient time to
undertake sometimes painstaking research.  This is where
you come in, as a specialist, and highly paid researcher.


Every day someone, somewhere, receives the news that he
or she is the new owner of something well beyond the
scope of their own financial resources.  It might be a
classic car, or a house in an exclusive area.  The
recipient s are devotees of consumer competitions
sponsored by manufacturers, hotels, shops, and
manufacturers, hotels, shops, and many other businesses,
as a means of attracting new customers.  To qualify for
the excellent prizes on offer every day, the competitor
competitor is faced with an array of tasks, from the
simple prize draw where nothing more is required of him
but to enter his name and address on an appropriate form,
to spot-the-ball e xercises, factual questions and
placing items in order-of-merit, to name but a few of the
many techniques employed.  Persistence and acquired
skills play their part in the vast majority of
competitions, which in addition to one of the above
preliminary tasks, require the competitor to create a
slogan or to complete a tiebreaker sentence, perhaps a
limerick, or to take part in some other tiebreaking
method.  Get a copy of 'Competitors Journal' copy of
'Competitors Journal' from your newsagent.


Monopoly, the Rubik Cube, and Trivial Pursuits, are
amongst the most popular games and pastimes of today, and
surely none can have disappointed their creators in the
handsome dividends they provided.  A look at these
handsome dividends they provided.  handsome dividends
they provided.  A look at these examples should convince
you convince you of one notable and common characteristic
- each and every one possesses that most unique of
qualities, in the the shape of uniqueness itself! the the
shape of uniqueness itself! Create something different -
that's the key!


This term usually refers to registration plates with a
combination to registration plates with a combination of
letters and numbers which when read, convey some and
numbers which when read, convey some message, or else
resemble to a greater or lesser extent, some familiar
word or name.  For example, a car I see regularly bears
the registration 'JEN 1F' - clearly the property of
someone named 'Jennifer'.  Even one sale can yield
several thousands of pounds, and the procedure for
transferring transferring the plate from the donor
vehicle to the recipient vehicle is usually
straightforward, within guidelines as laid down by the


Specialising can pay the handsomest handsomest of
dividends, especially when the item chosen is one
required by every man, woman or child, all of the time. 
Hence the massive businesses set up by those who cashed
in on the market for socks of every kind, for those who
sought to provide ties of every shape and size, and for
the woman who seeing the need for a range of natural
beauty products, natural beauty products, decided not
only to provide a few everyday creams and potions, but to
stock ou t shops that covered the country.  Once the
decision has been made as to what to specialise in, and
it needn't be clothes or cosmetics, it needn't even be
for human use, then you are faced with the possibility of
providing just about every single var iation upon that
set theme.


Treasure hunting, whether on rubbish tips, on beaches, or
in fields which provided the venue for happy family
picnics many generations ago, can turn up some of the
most useful of articles, whether for sale, or in the case
of rare specimens, for auction to waiting droves of
big-time rare specimens, for auction to waiting droves of
big-time collectors.  One woman combs the beach looking
for suitable pieces of driftwood in which to display the
beautiful flower arrangements she sells at craft fairs
and in local shops.  A man I heard of simply hunts for
attractive stones and shells which will adorn some of the
most original and appealing pieces of jewellery.  Another
man has his hoard of Victorian bottles displayed on his
stall at local fleamarkets, whilst whilst the broken ones
he finds are cut down and shaped into ornamental pieces
are cut down and shaped into ornamental pieces such as
paperweights, ashtrays, stone-shaped pieces for jewellery
and a ho st of other highly tempting pieces.


Not all of us want to set up business in our homes, at
least not insofar as our home address is the only contact
customers have when address is the only contact customers
have when they decide to pay a personal visit at the most
inconvenient of times. Many other reasons, including
privacy, lead people to seek the services of an
accommodation address agency which will 'rent' them an
address for business or personal use, and subsequently
collect, retain, or forward all mail received for the
custome r concerned.  Many such businesses businesses
provide additional businesses provide additional services
often of a secretarial nature, including typing, a
telephone answering service, an appointments service, fax
machine facilities, book-keeping, some financial
services, and so on.


Whether it's a chaise longue or granny's fireside chair,
there comes a time in the life of almost every piece of
upholstered furniture when the owner prefers to have the
item recovered, instead of disposing of it to make way
for a new model.  Whether because of financial
constraints or for sentimental reasons, the answer to
their problems could easily come via the services of
someone skilled in the art of renovation and
reupholstery.  As an adjunct to upholst ery we find firms
specialising in the stripping of furniture, removing the
years of polish and grime from antique or more recent
items, and restoring them to their former glory. 
Incidentally I have come by several people who make a
very, very good l iving buying good l iving buying small
pieces of antique furniture, restoring them, and selling
them at local antiques fairs, restoring them, and selling
them at local antiques fairs, or in their own shops.


Calligraphy is the rather grand name for the even grander
art of creating beautiful handwriting and printing.  We
see swirling flows of lettering, created by hand with the
aid of special pens and inks, adorning menus in the
better eat ing establishments, on examination
certificates, formal invitations, signs, notices,
doorplates, to name but a few of the creations that
demand a professional and thoroughly attractive
presentation.  An easy art to learn from books or local


Not perhaps the way to make a vast fortune, this is an
ideal occupation for someone needing or preferring to
work from home.  Many businesses either have insufficient
workload or finances to warrant have insufficient
workload or finances to warrant employing a full-time
finances to warrant employing a full-time secretary or
typist, and would welcome the services of an accurate
typist to provide for their needs. You can also provide a
much needed service typing students theses, writers'
manuscripts, letters, documentation and curriculum vitae
for the general public, and meeting a host of other
customer requirements.


If you've ever tried to buy ready-made curtains at the
right price, and in a particular style and design, you'll
know the enormous problems encountered, and hence the
opportunities here for someone skilled with with a needle
or machine, who can provide a custom-made service at a
lower price than the shops.  Whether it is the customer
or yourself who provides the materials and pattern is
entirely up to you to decide, usually on an individual
basis, taking into account your customers' preferences.


There are many types of commercially produced tape, some
for the music lover, or for the lover of novels with
little time to sit around indulging him or herself,
preferring instead to carry on with normal chores whilst
the story is read to him or her, usually by some famous
personality.  Purchasers might want to have a bestselling
novel read to them, or else discover how to relax, how to
begin learning some new hobby, even to hear a story you
have written, or to have multiplic ation tables set to
music, thereby reinforcing the learning process in the
minds of school-bored children.  Your own children's
stories could be set onto tape, thereby airing any second
string you might have to your bow.


To be fair, you're never going to get rich by making
carbon copies of the ever popular elephants and teddy
bears, but create something different, and you might even
find yourself with a contract for sole distributorship to
some big comp any or business concern, such as those
specialising in greetings teddy bears carrying their
individual messages, and delivered to the doorstep of the
delighted recipient.


Not everyone can afford to pay the sometimes tremendous
prices asked for today's exclusive wedding gowns.  The
same applies to those gloriously elaborate party dresses
we find children paraded in, and the designer hat mum
wears to her off spring's wedding.  And what about the
firm's annual dinner dance when madam simply must look
her best, but can't really afford the outlay to possess a
designer gown, which must of necessity not be the choice
for next year's get-together? Get the pic ture?  They
don't buy these creations at all - you do! Whether you in
fact make them or buy them, and whether you buy them new
or good quality second hand, is entirely up to you.  You
simply hire out the garments with a refundable deposit,
clean them on their return, and horror of horrors, make
any necessary repairs, then hire the items out again.


If I had a couple of acres of land, even if it wasn't my
own, I'd buy that horse I've always wanted.  With the
rest I'd grow strawberries - and goosberries, tomatoes,
With the rest I'd grow strawberries - and goosberries,
tomatoes, blackcurrants and lettuce.....  Then every year
I'd throw my garden open to the public to pick their own
goodies, before joining another of the long queues of
customers one sees at these P.Y.O long queues of
customers one sees at these P.Y.O (Pick Your Own)


If you have a child, but finances will not allow you
access to a video camera of your own, the most
fascinating and speedy part of your child's development
could soon be lost to you for ever.  So here we have
another way of offering a service, also much in demand at
weddings, birthday parties, anniversary celebrations, and
on many, many other occasions.


Not everyone, myself most definitely included, relishes
the thought of donning rags once a year, retrieving
brushes thrown angrily into the garage last year, and
setting about the arduous task of decorating the home. 
Here's your your chance, all of you who actually enjoy
wielding paint rollers and paste brushes.


Only the other day, in a top women's magazine, I came by
something so different I'm sure there can be few people
yet cashing in on this ingenious idea.  For about twenty
pounds, the customer gets a cartoon drawing of his or her
her chosen subject, created from a photograph submitted
with the order.  order.  A sample pictured in the
magazine showed a man, some features undoubtedly
exaggerated as is necessary with cartoons, and with a
head about three times too big for his body.  The piece
was framed and a copy of the actual photo from which it
was c opied was displayed alongside.  Now whilst almost
anyone would cringe at the thought of the 'Spitting
Image' crew portraying them in caricature, there was
nothing in this cartoon to offend even the most sensitive
of subjects.  The colours were muted and the whole thing
was ext remely easy on the eye - and very different!


Baby's first shoes can be preserved for ever in a coating
of gold, silver or bronze, thereby sealing those
cherished memories of the owner's first tottering steps
for doting grans and grandads.  Every Valentine's Day
finds a rush of firms offering heart-shaped offering
heart-shaped this, that, and the other.  Can you think of
something something to rival these ingenious something
something to rival these ingenious enterprises? You can?

27 HOW TO....................

Information, they say, is free.  Personally, I doubt this
oft-quoted maxim if the speed with which new business and
self-improvement guides enter the market is anything to
go by.  For anything from œ1 to œ10, and perha ps much,
much, much more, they'll tell us how to do anything from
making a kite, to joining the ranks of the seriously rich
and famous.  Some of these guides are simply a rehashed
version of many others, and are rarely likely to create a
fortune for their 'writers'.  A 'one-off' guide or manual
though is a different matter entirely.  Anyone who has
access to appropriate information not currently readily
available, should waste no time in writing it up, then
having it typed, copied and marketed.  Many markets
exist, perhaps one of the best being the Opportunities
pages of 'Exchange and Mart'.


'Lonely in a crowd' they say, and never was a truer word
spoken.  Look at the number of advertisements we find
placed by people wanting to contact others whether for
friendship or to share a common interest.  Some mechanism
is ne cessary to facilitate the coming together of
thousands of currently isolated individuals who share
this common need or interest.  This is where the astute
businessperson comes into play, acting as a middleman who
often does little more than coordinate, collate, and
distribute details relating to the activities of members.


Many businesses, even if they primarily deal face-to-face
they primarily deal face-to-face with their customers,
often find the need to contact others for a great many
reasons, whether for the purposes of buying from or
selling to them.  This is often done by buyin g or
renting names and addresses from specialist operations or
from a middleman dealing in the provision of such
information.  Lists are required for many other reasons
not all of them in the field of selling.  Parents Parents
for instance, might appreciate a list of all private
schools in a certain locality.  We also find lists
offering access to hundreds of things that are free for
the asking.  There are also lists of firms requiring
homeworkers, or offering opportunities to work abroad,
and many, many others.


Many firms and businesses businesses advertise their
services or goods by means of leaflets and and brochures
delivered to selected addresses, but to employ someone
solely for the purpose of delivering this literature is
not always a a cost-effective proposition.  The cost of
Post Office delivery can be similarly prohibitive. 
Leaflet distribution agencies though, are able to keep
their costs competitive by having the leaflets of several
customers included in each household delivery.


Once almost certain to elicit mocking criticism,
graphology is the art of analysing a person's mocking
criticism, graphology is the art of analysing a person's
character from a piece of writing he or she provides. 
Certain strokes of the pen, swirls at the end of words, a
preference for using capital letters mingled into one's
handwriting, all have some deep, and until expertly
interpreted - hidden meaning.  It is the the job of the
graphologist to interpret the reasons behind certain
styles and peculiarities of writing.  A few years ago
no-one, except perhaps our American cousins, would dream
of paying someone for such an analysis.  Today however,
the technique has developed a great deal of credibility
and the services of a good graphologist are much in
demand, especially in the workplace, where many employers
now view the art as an essential staff recruitment tool.


Recently we have seen the emergence of an innovative
security service whereby you can go on holiday, perhaps
into hospital, without the need to worry that the home
will be safe in your the home will be safe in your
absence.  The entrepreneur here offers two methods by
which the surveillance of the owners' homes are are
carried out.  In the least expensive method, and one
probably adequate for most customers, the person visits
the house regularly, regularly, perhaps daily, or sever
al times a day.  He or she arranges to remove obvious
signs that the house is unoccupied, eg taking away mail,
opening and closing curtains, and so on.  The service
might also include watering plants and attending to small
household pets.  On a grand er scale, the person person
offers to actually live in the house during the owner's
absence, thereby reducing the risk of burglaries, fires,
and other potential disasters to an absolute minimum.


These days we're all that little bit more health
conscious, as we seek to ward of illnesses and the
effects of growing older.  Few of us though though want
to put a great deal of effort into the process.  Not for
us the long long hours of playing s quash, or jogging in
the park.  But give us a little exercise class, to music
perhaps, and that's a different matter entirely.  These
classes can become regular little meeting places, and
many a bigger bigger dance exercise studio has started
from the humblest of beginnings.


Many of us, whether we are, or have been employed in
professional careers, in a skilled trade, or many other
occupations, are unaware of the untapped talent we might
be able to offer to other than our '9 - 5' employers. 
Some firms and private individuals welcome the services
of trained and experienced people from all walks of life,
but have insufficient need to employ them on a regular,
part or full-time basis.  We might for instance need a
children's nanny or nurse to look after a child sick from
school, or for an interior designer to put into practice
the great plans we have for our home decorations, but
without unfortunately the analytical skills to match.  We
may feel the need to employ a recruitment s pecialist to
help our children through through the hurdles of their
first job interviews.


You don't have to be David Bailey to take great pictures
of junior's birthday party, for parents who confess not
to know one end of a camera from another.  You do though
need a better than average pocket-type camera.  These
handy litt le gadgets might eliminate the need to
concentrate on shutter speeds and focussing, but they
usually produce pictures no-one would be truly proud of. 
A good photographer can be in regular demand for
weddings, parties, christenings, and as a freelance for
local newspapers and businesses.


Life being as hectic as it is, especially for the younger
ones struggling to meet mortgage repayments, repayments,
and working every hour that's sent to accomplish that
task, there is often insufficient time to make small
economies around the home.  Freezing food whilst in
season, and freezing large portions of main meals for
future use, are just two ways to make the household food
budget go that little bit further.  further.  BUT not
everyone has the time as we've already said, to stand
peeling many pounds of spuds and carrots, or to make
twenty extra extra portions of their favourite curries
and pizzas.  Someone willing willing to perform this
service on their behalf would be more than welcome,
welcome, even if there must of necessity be an additional
cost, over and above the price of the raw materials. 
Your service can extend beyond fresh fruit and vegetables
and everyday main meals.  You might for instance offer
gourmet cuisine, and freezer portions of the more unusual
fruits and vegetables we find in some of out of the way
supermarkets nowadays.


If you've ever worked in an office and perhaps on the
umpteenth floor, or on a building site in the middle of
nowhere, you'll know how uninviting those sandwiches you
prepared in the mad panic of the morning can subsequently
becom e.  If there are no shops nearby to allow you to
undo the damage, that's it!  You either eat the stuff, or
sit with an embarrassing rumble emanating from your empty
stomach for the rest of the day.  A sandwich service is a
boon to staff either reluct ant to prepare their own
packed lunches, or else unable to buy suitable items
within a short distance of their workplaces.  The more
ambitious amongst distance of their workplaces.  The more
ambitious amongst you might see the possibilities here
for an up-market service to management for an up-market
service to management personnel, who very oft en would
welcome the opportunity opportunity for a boardroom lunch
of something different to the 'sandwiches all round'
variety.  You might for instance offer to arrange small
buffet parties for visiting industrialists, even, as we
become more Americanised, to c ater for the growing trend
in boardroom breakfasts.


Hosts and hostesses look forward to the the dinner party
they plan for close friends and business acquaintances. 
But when the hard work of preparation is done they feel
little like undertaking what now seems the impossible
task of sha king off the strains of the day, manicuring
overworked and reddened hands, and simply making
themselves presentable for their guests.  What they need
is someone to undertake the party preparations for them,
leaving preparations for them, leaving them free to enjoy
the get-together, now that the hassle of preliminaries is
a thing of the past.  This much needed service can This
much needed service can be applied to children's parties,
as much as to dinner and cocktail parties, and big family
celebrations.  Another possibility lies in catering for
the growing possibility lies in catering for the growi ng
number of home-based wedding receptions.


In some shops, in garden centres and on market stalls,
even at car boot sales, we find herbs offered for sale in
the little pots they were grown in.  The little pots they
were grown in.  The cook now has a constant supply of
fresh herbs ready and waiting to be pi cked, from the
pots he or she will display on the kitchen window, or in
some other suitable position.  Growing herbs is almost
childishly easy, and it is in the marketing of them that
your efforts will be rewarded.  You can sell to shops, to
market t raders, or on order to individual households. 
Restaurants and hotels would no doubt be interested in
throwing out their pots of the dried-out and years in
throwing out their pots of the dried-out and years old
variety, in favour of something more befitting to guests
paying the prices they do for meals these days.  You
could even sell them yourself at local markets and craft
fairs.  The possibilities are endless, and speaking of
endless, have you considered the requirements of
herbalists with their much revered alternative medical
therapies? Have you indeed considered what might lie in
store for you if you decide to study herbalism yourself,
and to stock your medicine chest with the


Biorhythms are cycles that rule our minds, bodies and
emotions.  Life that rule our minds, bodies and emotions. 
Life it is said, goes through a series of rhythms, and
their pattern of ups and downs have a great influence on
the functioning of the body and its emotions.  Sounds
complicated, doesn't it? But it is actually extremely
easy to chart and analyse the biorhythms of any
individual at any time in their lives.  Small wonder now
that the science their lives.  Small wonder now that the
science has gained a high degree of credibility, that
businessmen, sp ortsmen, students, and politicians are
looking seriously at the technique when making the more
important decisions and plans of their lives.  The
technique of preparing and analysing a biorhythm chart
can be studied from the many excellent text books on the
subject, and though the whole concept sounds complicated,
it most certainly isn't.  But don't under any
circumstances tell your c lients that - the library is
never far away, and we don't want them availing
themselves of the information it takes to make so
important important an analysis.

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