How To Get 100's Of Commission Mailers To Sell Your Manuals


I wrote this guide because it seemed there was a definite gap
in the market for guides on MARKETING and EXPANDING mail
order businesses.  Most mail order manuals concentrate on the
basics of starting and running a M.O. business, many of which
DO concentrate on making your business run properly, but I
feel there is a lack of information on how successful
companies have flourished in the past and how the small
trader just starting up from home can expand more rapidly
than normal.

An article from a ten year old mail order magazine I had kept
reminded me of a certain company very popular at the time (I
don't know whether they are still in business under a name,
so cannot mention the company) who had built up a yearly
turnover of œ100,000 which was a fortune ten years ago,

O.K. so they used a huge amount of commission mailers and
recruiting all the best ones will take a little time. 
Success as we are often told however, does not come

Commission mailers in case you wonder, are relatively easy to
get by the dozens, although you don't want to waste too much
time with the lazy ones.  Good commission mailers can make a
startling effect on your turnover, let alone your profit. 
Really good commission mailers can even make you rich.

I intend to show you how to sign up the best ones, followed
thereafter by the more numerous 'good, reliable' ones and we
shall just forget about all the rest as you want to run an
efficient commission mailing organisation and not a
subsidised leaflet giveaway service.

Here then is a way to get those new manuals to move without
too much expense to yourself and the minimum of
administration.  This type of marketing procedure is
beginning to make a revival with the estimated 4,000,000
opportunity seekers on the market today, although it will be
some time before it is once again as popular as in the peak
times in the 1970's.

There were some fabulous stories of fortunes that had been
made by small mail order operations in the late sixties to
the end of the seventies.  I remember reading several small
six to ten page folios sold by a well known M.O. dealer (and
writer) who proudly boasted he had then sold over one million
manuals in the thirty years as a mail trader.  He then sold
his mail order business and the new owners did not seem to
have the same outlook as he did as I haven't seen them
advertise for a while.  Could be they have changed the
business name as many do when they go 'up market'.

Those of you who can remember mail order in those early days
will recall the small guide "How I Made A Fortune With A Home
Mail Order Business" then copyright Emerson Press.  In it's
early edition it was run off on a copier on duplicator paper. 
Needless to say it sold thousands upon thousands of copies
during it's lifetime and probably made a second fortune for
it's owner writer.

This particular person sold through direct classified
advertising using small effective ads and usually 'packaging'
his offers.  'Send only œ3.50 for all guides' was the sort of
thing he would put at the end of an ad, offering perhaps four
or five ten to fifteen page manuals.  They were usually
double sided printed to save money and were really run off
Gestetener method to keep costs at a bare minimum.

I don't really know why so many people sent in so many repeat
orders, but I did it too possibly because you always thought
the next lot were going to be much better.  I know that to
offer such poorly printed manuals today would not go down
well with the new mail order customer.  In these days
however, selling information by mail was in its infancy and
thousands of people joined the bandwagon.  Needless to say
most were just out for a fast buck and thankfully didn't last
very long.

Going back to our 'hero' and his efficient operation, we must
not forget that he sold these manuals in another way -
through thousands of commission mailers.  Yes thousands,
there were not many original British writers/publishers
around at the time, and home publishing as we know it was
unheard of.  I often wish I knew then what I know now as I
too would have cleaned up on the then virgin market.


If you don't know, then you haven't been paying attention to
what I said in the introduction!  I feel that there will soon
be a complete revival of the commission mailing system we had
back then, and I can see publishing taking a new turn.

Let's look at what is happening in the publishing field and
see why commission mailing can solve the problem.  What
happens today is people go into publishing with new material
and within even one month or two the original material is
being sold by fourth or fifth or even sixth level home
publishers for as little as ONE TENTH of its original value.

Not only is this frustrating for whoever had the original
manuscript but it cheapens the whole market as people become
vary and just decide to wait until the price drops before
buying.  Secondly there are people who will cheat in another
way - joint buying.  This is like a dealers ring in antique
buying.  You get three or four dealers who join together and
purchase one new manual, sharing the price.  They then give
each other re-print rights and start selling and copying the
manual just as if they had purchased one each from the
original source.

People like that will eventually kill off home publishing as
we know it.  Writers will not feel it worthwhile coming up
with new material to be paid a pittance because of these
cheats 'ringing' together.  These writers will eventually
write only for others on a 'one-off' basis or for themselves
and now allowing re-print sales.  Or - like many other
dealers, they will turn to using commission mailers to sell
their guides retail.

Just think of the amazing but tried and tested possibility of
having say, one hundred commission mailers on your books. 
You have each month a brand new publication with sole
copyright.  You have the leaflets which you either sell at
cost price to the mailers, or give them a camera ready copy
for them to have printed at their copyshop.  Even if each of
your mailers sells just TWO manuals (of your own) in that
month you will have 200 sales - done for you - and at a 50%
commission basis on a œ10 guide, your income is œ1000 less
expenses for that month alone.

Now let's look at what commission mailing is all about ...


Let's just look at the normal method new people and indeed
many old timers use to promote their mail order business.

Usually when you have the suitable manuals etc., you would
advertise these in the M.O. magazines, Exchange and Mart and
other good publications, and you would send out to lists of
known opportunity seekers including your own customer list
should you have one.

All this is expensive and sharply digs into your profit
margin, especially postage costs from doing your mailshots. 
The idea is to build up a large personal customer list who
then know and trust you as it is twenty times easier to sell
to people who have previously brought from you.  All
successful M.O. dealers concentrate on building up a customer
list and thereby almost guarantee regular sales without
relying on sometimes expensive and very often 'dud' mailing

To do all of this takes time and initially quite a lot of
money.  Perseverance being of utmost importance in those
early days but unfortunately most newcomers get disappointed
at initial failures which are quite inevitably and pack the
lot in in disgust.

Looking at commission mailers and their benefits can also
give one the wrong impression that this is an 'easy way in'
to the mail order market as the good ones are very particular
what they offer to their valued customer lists.  The bad ones
can give you as much heartbreak as for example 'dud' mailing
lists.  More about this later.

Commission mailers however, can help you cut your expenditure
and increase your sales without you having to do the

This is the real benefit.  They sell to their own prized
lists, thus leaving you free to find new manuals to sell each
month or concentrate on building up your contacts of mailers
to the point where all or most of your business can be done
through this method.

Do remember that commission mailers will be selling other
dealers material as well as your own, so if you've something
new or exclusive to yourself they will see the profit
potential for themselves and give you priority when deciding
what to promote.


Your mailers will want at least 50% of the retail price of
your guide.  This is not unreasonable as they have the
postage costs of their mailing shots to cover.  You can
either send out the manuals direct to their buyers or to
them.  Many mailers will now insist you send to them and they
in turn forward the goods to their customers for the obvious
reason you would then not have the names of their customers
and be tempted to add onto your own lists and thus do the
commission mailer out of possible profit.

Your business can grow fast using commission mailers as we
shall now see with this example.

Imagine in your first month you have taken on five mailers
who are each very competent and can sell amongst others, four
of your publications.  If these sold for œ12 you would
receive œ6 each from the mailer with their orders.  This
would give you œ120 income just from five mailers.  However,
if you could manage to supply each commission mailers with
SEVERAL good selling guides and persuade the mailer to
include these leaflets in his/her mail shot you could easily
double this figure.

Now calculate what your income would be if not only you can
manage this but recruit say ten or twelve mailers in that
first month with the concentration being on recruiting THE
BEST people.

Really good mailers, those whose income would make many
so-called dealers blush, could teach you a thing or two about
mail order, but you usually find these people are VERY
CONTENT at the extra income they make for the time spent in
their spare-time hobby.  Some mailers are so good at what
they do they will want to see a copy of what you are selling
to avoid their precious customers being sold rubbish and not
ordering from them again.

Of course one should promote mail order by using both methods
until the most profitable is found and as I've said it's
finding those gems of mailers which will take your time
initially.  It does take a while to build up a list of good
reliable mailers, but once you have found these you have the
makings of something wonderful on your hands.  When this
happens you will find searching for new manuals may become
your biggest problem.  Finding new material every month is
not easy, and I did point out it may become more difficult as
writers may become wary of 'shady' dealers.


Commission mailers get lots of offers from mail order
dealers, many of which are duplicates of manuals they already
sell.  this is the important point to watch when contacting
new mailers.  Make sure that you have something new and
exclusive to offer them and you will be in with a flying

Can you imagine having a regular list of personal mailing
customers and not being able to offer something new each
mailing? It's pretty frustrating is it not, and customers do
get tired of seeing the same offers in their mailbox every
month.  This is a problem lots of commission mailers have so
if you've got something new to offer give them your best deal
and just watch the response escalate.


There is one thing I should warn you about right away.  there
are a lot of what I call 'bad' mailers (or so called mailers)
who just end up wasting your time and money.

These people never intend to really make an effort with
commission mailing and are usually newcomers looking for a
dream rather than the 'professional' type mailer who has
his/her mailing campaigns planned and is out to make a

Bad mailers usually like to get lots of free or cheap
leaflets, some just because they like HUGE 'big mails' and
have no or little intention of posting hundreds of letters. 
Yet they are out there in their thousands.  Sorry to frighten
you into reality but you must avoid these people at all

You can do this quite easily.  Here's what to do.  Have a
small questionnaire prepared and copied and send out with
every enquiry you receive for commission mailing.  The
questions you should ask are similar to this:

How many people do you currently mail to each month?
(If they are new and seriously intend to mail to lists
purchased they will tell you without asking, so DON'T ASK).

How many different manuals do you promote from other dealers?

Currently, what are your average sales of manuals per month?
(You could put this in as optional, but most honest dealers
would answer the question).

What is the average price of the manuals you promote?
(This will give you an idea of the price range to cater for
with each particular mailer).

What commission rate do you currently work on?

The timewaster or 'bad' mailers will cringe at this
questionnaire.  The honest, hard worker 'best' mailer will
have no problem answering and you will be able to assess each
ones capability from the answers.


From the previous page you will have seen that by using a
questionnaire you can more or less eliminate the poor mailers
from your team.  Do use such a form when recruiting as it
will save you much time and money.  But how do you get the
best commission mailers?

The good commission mailers often advertise for new customers
to add to their mailing lists, and you can usually find them
in mail order mags and advertisers like Exchange and Mart. 
They (among others) are most likely to be the people
advertising BIG MAILS.  You know the type of advert; BUMPER
The big mail is of course made up with 50% commission
circulars and the adverts top up the mailers regular lists. 
Often the mailer will simply advertise offering things like
"Hundreds of business opportunities" or "The newest guides,
something for everyone".  These type of adverts.

They are usually included in the two or three line ads in E&M
and in the mail order mags, although very often commission
mailers will take small display advertising in the regular
M.O. mags.

It is worth remembering that many mail order dealers who
could also be into publishing will also sell guides on a 50%
commission basis if the guide is only available that way.

The main thing to remember is that if you have a new manual
which is not available with reprint rights to anyone else,
then you have a suitable item to sell on a 50% commission
basis to practically all people involved in mail order -
although do watch out for some crooks who might try to copy
your guides illegally.



An ad like this in a few of the MO monthlies will bring in a
steady flow of enquiries each month.  You will be able to
pick the best by using the questionnaire as shown previously. 
When writing back you will have to include some leaflets from
your stock to impress on your mailer your originality of both
sales leaflet and publications.


Once you have established where to find commission mailers
from the mail order mags etc., you will want to approach
these people in the correct and businesslike manner the good
ones will know and respect.

Most of the mailers who have their own customer lists are
also very good mail order dealers and certainly will expect
you to offer very good terms.  A 50% commission rate is the
norm, although good mailers may expect more if they bring you
a steady flow of orders.

When writing, you should mention:

A.  You will either post the manuals direct to their clients
    on receipt of order with payment or;

B.  Post the manuals direct to the mailer if preferred.

You should also include:

Bonus terms:

A.  If the mailer sends more than 6/8/10 (you decide) orders
    per week, he/she will receive additional discount.  This
    could also be in the form of 1 manual sent free with
    every 5 or so orders.

B.  The mailer has the opportunity to buy small quantities of
    manuals (say 6 or more) of any one title for a trade
    price which you have to decide.


When writing to commission mailers you will have to send
sample leaflets to let the mailer see the type of manuals you
sell and to make him/her decide whether these are suitable.

Send your best leaflets and make sure they are not guides
which have been advertised for ages and the mailer will
probably already be selling.  If the mailer gets repeats of
what he/she already has, the offer will go straight into the

Decide whether you wish to provide ready made leaflet packs
or send camera ready copies and if sending leaflet packs you
must keep the cost to a bare minimum.  The mailer buys from
the best sources.

                                            MAILING PEOPLE,
                                            77 POSTAL STREET,

Mr Trusty Mailer
5 Letter Avenue
Parcel Villa

Dear Trusty,

Many thanks for your enquiry as to becoming one of our
regular commission mailers. Please find enclosed samples of
our current range of leaflets covering possibly the best
manuals available in the opportunity market.  You will note
there is a blank space at the bottom of each for you to place
your own name and address. 

Our commission terms are as follows:
Up to six orders per week - 50% commission
Over six orders per week - 60% commission
(We pay all postage either sending to your customer direct,
or to you).

As you will appreciate, we like to keep our relations with
our respected mailers on good trustworthy terms at all times,
and therefore ask all our new prospective associates to
complete a simple questionnaire (enclosed) and forward this
with your first order for leaflets or camera ready copy. 
This enables us to find out how we can help each other to
mutual benefit.

You will find a leaflet enclosed explaining special bonus
terms, which makes joining us even more attractive, and
prices of leaflets and camera ready copies of sales

So there you have it Trusty, one of the best mailing
opportunities available today.  Please read through the
literature and note the good quality of our manuals and the
appeal these will have to your customers.

Let's hear from you soon.




There is a way in which you can very rapidly increase the
amount of commission mailers on your books.  This method is
tried and tested and in the past has helped many mail order
dealers to succeed very quickly indeed.

There is however a drawback with this system, as there is
with most good ideas, but handled with care you should
overcome this.


Double sided (D/S) circulars are simply leaflets printed on
both sides.  Although not always advisable when selling
manuals or other information packages, you can use one such
leaflet to recruit more mailers.

What you do is take a leaflet advertising one of your top
selling manuals and print on the other side an advert
recruiting new commission mailers, e.g. "Would you like to
earn extra money selling these guides?"  You would mention
that free details would be sent by request when marking any
manual form "CM" and sending with any order to the mailer
shown with the purchase of one of your manuals.

Before you ask whether the commission mailer would accept
such circulars, remember the mailer still receives an order
with this request so he/she does not lose out, and the mailer
knows that such a small percentage of people will actually do
so that there is really no danger of him/her losing business
because everyone has their own lists.

If you have only ten mailers each sending out just two or
three hundred letters you could expect between ten to fifteen
enquiries from each of these mailshots at no cost to
yourself.  The advantage is that you have an opportunity of
doubling your mailers every mailshot they do and can control
this when you have enough by simply stopping the


This is the fact that you will get a fair number of
'dreamers' and will have to deal with more inexperienced or
novice mailers than by recruiting with other methods.  Just
use the questionnaire!

The questionaire is there to ensure you get the right type of
mailers.  When using this method you will find it invaluable
because as mentioned the proportion of people 'just curious'
will be higher.

I love to include true stories from the past to emphasise how
each of these methods can bring the success you are looking
for.  This success story has a sad ending, but I include it
to show what can be done and how to avoid getting 'over

Once again back in the seventies there was a gentleman who
started small in mail order, writing and selling his own
manuals.  Some of his manuals were actually written for him I
recall, but the point is no other dealer has the copyright to
these.  this was again before todays 'home publishing' ideas
became popular.

This gentleman (it wasn't me by the way) produced photocopied
A5 guides of poor quality compared to those available today. 
The information included in these guides was not very
impressive, much of it being lists of names and addresses,
but they did sell.  Boy how they sold!

He built up his business using the method of recruiting
commission mailers as mentioned here, and because of the fact
that at that time people were buying literally ANYTHING
containing money-making information he had an open market.

He differed from other dealers using this principle however
by selling his manuals in packs of ten, cellaphane wrapped,
to his mailers.  The mailers were recruited by the D/S
circular method and he had them joining up by their hundreds. 
Of course most of them at that time would have been just
curious or dropped out at an early stage but the fact is that
did not matter - he was recruiting in droves.  It just didn't
matter if a fair percentage were not working, he got lots who

Our entrepreneur got to busy he soon moved into small
premises in an industrial estate and things seemed to boom -
until?  He decided to publish a glossy colour magazine and
stated a minimum circulation of 10,000 copies right from the
start.  This meant to satisfy legal requirements to
advertisers he had to mail free most of the 10,000 copies to
justify his claim and get the magazine noticed.  You can
imagine the expense of not only having all these copies
printed (in colour), but the postage for this must have been
immense as he did this for months while trying to get people
to subscribe and get advertisers to take space which he
needed to keep printing costs down.

While he was doing this I noticed his small mail order guides
being sold by another dealer.  Whether he sold out his
lucrative mail order business to finance the magazine I have
no idea, but the poor chap seemed to fade out of existence. 
I never heard of him again after that and do not know the
outcome, but can take a fair guess.

Here's something to whet your appetite.  He was reputed to
have built up a customer list (note a CUSTOMER list) of over
100,000 people.

Ask yourself what you could do with a customer list of that
amount of cash buyers.

If there's a moral to this story it must be - don't change
course when you're doing well.  Why take on something with an
extremely high set up cost and a new market to find when you
have built up a business which is successful and you could
still expand on.


Here is a simple way to 'target' your recruitment drive to
make sales and get the commission mailers you want.  If you
find that any of the methods explained within this guide
could perhaps be used in combination with some of your own
then go ahead and make your own plan - but do something.  Too
many people in mail order find they cannot get down to doing
the job properly and fail, mainly through lack of merely

In the next few pages you will have the basis of a small
'package' you can send to all who answer your advertisement
for mailers and how they can get started.

Copy and sell the next pages for about œ2 including sample
leaflets, and you will find you can get good trustworthy
people who because they have paid for information are really
interested in doing the job.

You should advertise as follows:

"Complete commission mailers start-up pack.  Shows you how to
get into the mail order business the easy way.  Send only œ2
for super info-pack.  Your name and address".

You could actually send camera ready copies with blank spaces
for names and addresses with the following fact sheets and
you would enable people to begin without delay.  Send the
questionnaire with it to avoid problems with any 'losers'.

Welcome to the world of mail order.  By answering our
advertisement for this fact-pack, you have gained the
opportunity of starting out in the lucrative mail order
business without requiring capital.


Commission mailing is the exciting method of acquiring all
the best manuals on the market to sell to opportunity seekers
just like yourself, but without having to hold stock.

Just think of it - you can sell top guides to the approx.
4,000,000 opportunity seekers waiting for money making and
self help information without having to carry stock or even
pay postage.


Quite simply you mail out leaflets which we provide the
masters for, and on receiving orders from these leaflets, you
send these to us BUT YOU KEEP HALF THE MONEY.  Yes, for
example a œ10 worth of orders, you keep œ5.  AND WE THEN SEND
THE ORDER DIRECT TO YOUR CLIENT.  You have no postage or
packing to pay!  We pay that too!


You will be selling the best of our range of money making or
self-help guides which are all professionally produced and
have a high appeal to those looking for extra income
opportunities.  You will receive details of new guides as
they come out, and therefore you can offer these to your
personal customer list as you build it up, as well as to
names from bought lists.


You can also buy these manuals for yourself at half price and
build up your own library of extra income and money making
guides cheaply and directly from the main source.  You are of
course under no obligation to purchase anything, but the
offer is there for you and your friends.


This is simply the case of how much time and effort you put
into your little mailing business.  Obviously the more
leaflets you mail out, the more orders you could expect. 
With œ6 to keep for yourself for every œ12.00 manual you
sell, you can see how even four or five sales a week would
make it worthwhile indeed.

But think of what you could earn with a little more effort?
I would even be happy to give you extra bonuses for your
sales if you sell more than 5 manuals each week.  How's that
for an incentive to get you started.


You can purchase lists of opportunity seekers to send the
leaflets to if you do not already have your own.  You will
find these advertised in the mail order magazines, or can
make arrangements to purchase from us should you wish.

Don't forget that many of your friends will be interested in
buying these guides, as everyone wants to make extra money. 
Show the leaflets to your workmates too, and you will soon
get orders pouring in.


You will need a supply of leaflets, which you can get printed
at a local photocopy shop.  Then apart from the names, you
need envelopes and postage stamps.  You do not need to send
out many letters to begin with.  Even 100 will do to start
you off, and you can build from there.  Your main expense is
postage stamps, but many mailers just send what they can
safely afford, even in dribs and drabs.  The main think is to
post the letters, as the saying goes - "If you send nothing
out - you can expect nothing in!"  The more letters you send
out, the more orders you should get.  It's as easy as that.


In a nutshell, commission mailing is all about getting into
mail order without the expense occurred carrying stocks of
books and paying hefty postage charges on parcels.

You can get started on a shoestring and build up a little
home business which can grow as fast or as slow as you wish. 
What other way is there of being able to offer lots of best
selling manuals without the usual costs involved?  You can
use your time and resources simply to GET THE SALES and by
doing so quickly acquire a valuable list of customers who
will buy from you AGAIN AND AGAIN.


To get started in this exciting business just fill in the
order form enclosed and send together with the questionaire
(which is used to help us decide what is best for you) to the
address shown.

As you build up your team of commission mailers you will
inevitably have the problem of finding new manuals and
courses to supply them with.  The really best of your mailers
will get hungry for new items to sell, and you have the
danger of them straying to other sources which could mean
they momentarily drop your publications or even worse, stop
using you altogether.  This could happen if they find a
source who can supply new material regularly whereas you may
not be able to do so.

What you must do therefore, is find at least one new
publication exclusive to yourself to launch through your
mailer network each month.  You must try at all costs to
avoid a month passing where you are stuck for something new
to offer.  This does not apply so much during the off peak
months of mail order, but during the season it is vital to be


You could in such circumstances write a manual yourself, if
you feel capable and have enough ideas not to starve the
typewriter! The alternative is to make up a package from
other items you already have.

You can do this either by taking extracts or pages from a
range of manuals you currently have (providing you have
copyright) and 'creating' something new.  A sales leaflet
would also be needed in such cases but this shouldn't cause
too much of a problem as you will know well the content of
your 'new' guide, thus being able to write promotional
material quite easily.


A bit cheeky perhaps calling your longest serving mailers
'oldies' but you know what I mean.  Even though you will be
recruiting new mailers into your team every month (or week
even) you should not forget to put as much effort into
keeping those early ones happy as you do when courting the
new.  Never forget that commission mailers are free agents
and can go from you to another source at any time without

Look after your people and your business will look after you.

Although I wish you much success in building up your own team
of commission mailers, I hope you will remember a few things.

Any form of mail order has never been the easy ride it is
made out to be.  You do have to work at it.  The carefree
days of the late sixties and boom time seventies are well
over.  People want better goods than the rubbish sometimes
sold during those earlier times, even though that rubbish did
find buyers it's just not on nowadays.

The big fright now is whether someone will pinch your
copyright.  Unfortunately one of the things that home
publishing brought with it was an increase in the number of
people just copying and selling guides without having paid
for the right to do this or worse - without the guide in
question being available with copyright rights to reprint.

Everyone has to be more careful especially with guides which
are not being sold with repro-rights.  In the seventies it
was mainly the poor quality of materials that was criticised,
but today it's worse in my opinion because of the sheer
amount of fraudulent goings on.  Home publishing I'm afraid
has made this worse as people get used to running off manuals
on a photocopier, and something "Why should I bother to pay
for this when I can copy it", and this attitude is worsening.

Take care then with your copyrights and watch out for the
baddies.  Some of them may even be writing to you enquiring
about commission mailing!  Be careful!

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